How slack! I never wrote about the wedding! On Saturday 5th May this year, Kirsty and Marc got married in the Centrenary Rose Gardens in Morwell.
Cliff and I know them on two levels. Firstly Ross went to school with Marc. Secondly George who used to own the fish and chip shop next to The Nook and Cranny ( our legal name)(though must people know us as The Book Nook)has a niece. We met her when she worked in his shop. She is living with a man. He is the father of Kirsty. Kirsty refers to George's neice as her step mother.
The day was dull and overcast. Unfortunatley it began to drizzle towards the end of the service but thankfully not so much that we were wet before we reached the reception at the Traralgon Golf Club.
Cliff was wonderful. I think weddings bring out the romantic in him. He thought the ghost gum outside the club, highlighted by a spot light looked 'beautiful.' For the first time in the eleven years we have been together he danced with me.
I have never enjoyed dancing. On a number of grounds. One, I can never remember the steps of the old time dances. Two, I get puffed out doing the modern dances. Three, I can't even remember the steps to those group dances everyone does in lines (not line dancing). But I think the biggest reason of all is the loss of control. To dance the female has to give up the control to her partner and I can't seem to put enough trust in any male to do that.
But I didn't tread on his toes and it wasn't too bad, in fact I was having a good time till a big oaf stood on the side of my foot. Cliff had to take me off the dance floor and I couldn't go back. It was too sore. It was all I could do to walk out to the car and drive home. Had a huge bruise the next day.
Everyone seem to be having a good time including Kirsty and Marc's two children. All up not a bad night.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Thursday, June 21, 2007
On the 9th of June I rented the DVD DejaVu from My Movies in Morwell.
Cliff and I watched it that night after the R.S.L.
I might just have to rent it again in about 6-9 months. Not that it was confusing but the concept is.
It starts with a ferry on a trip. A ferry employee hears music coming from a car and goes to check it out. We see a bomb in the car. At the same time we see a man on a motor bike on a near by bridge. The camera focus on him. He gets off the bike and comes over and looks at the ferry for a minute maybe two. He then gets back on the bike and drives away. Why did the cameras go to him? Is he important? Then the ferry blows up.
Question if the man on the bridge was the bomber why did he leave? If he wasn't going to watch what was he doing there at all? Not logical!
A policeman comes to investigate. He tries to ring his partner. We then hear a moblie phone ring on one of the dead bodies. Is it the partner? Was he on the ferry?
We learn the partner started his holiday on Monday. It is now 'Fat' Tuesday. Why would the policeman ring his partner in the 'middle' of a case? The partner is on hoilday and not coming to the scene. Again not logical!
Our dectetive is called to view another body burned by the ferry blast. But it turns out it was found ten minutes before the ferry blew up at 10.50 a.m. It is the body of a young beautiful coloured girl.
We see a new man come on the scene. He is with a new section of crime scene investigation. Our main investigator is told within 24 hours that this section can 'bend' time and view the scene 4 days and 6 hours in the past.
The dectective believes the young girl is the answer to the ferry blast. So the section begins viewing her. The 4 days and 6 hours means we are seeing the girl on Saturday morning. We hear her ex ask her to sell the car. The earliest she cou;d have put the ad in the paper is Sunday.
But the biggest problem I had with this movie was the phone call by the bomber. He makes it Sunday night to buy the girl's car. The section is able to trace it and obtain photos of the suspect. Using these photos they scan the camera footage of the ferry terminal and find the suspect did a recon early Monday morning.
They send a message back through time to the dectective's desk on the Sunday night, but he has just had an argument with his partner and leaves. It is the partner who reads the message and goes to the dock. He approaches the suspect in the car. The only person around at that hour in the early morning and asks him to step out of the car. He is shot throught the car door by the suspect.
On Thursday the investigator arrests and interviews the suspect. He states he had to buy a new car because of the bullet holes. The girl would not have died if the policeman had not been there. There it is! The bullet holes occurred Monday morning. He made the call to buy the car on Sunday night.
The next thing. The suspect takes the wounded officer 'home' and shots him and then burns the body. We assumed to put it in the boot of the car with the explosives. It might look like just another victim of the fire. Hence the phone ringing!!!
However he burns the girl alive and when asked why says he couldn't shot her because when they found the bullet they would know she wasn't killed in the blast! So why burn the officer's body?
Then the dectective finds the body of his parnter in a 'shark' tank. A pefect arm floating in the water. Not a burn mark in sight. Strange that the shark ate everything else but the unburned arm. After all it is four days since he was killed. So again I ask why burn the body if he was just going throw it in the shark tank?
Was the ringing phone just a red herring?
The ending was logical. After all you couldn't very well have two of the same person living his life, now could you?
I liked it but as I said the inconsitency was off putting.
Cliff and I watched it that night after the R.S.L.
I might just have to rent it again in about 6-9 months. Not that it was confusing but the concept is.
It starts with a ferry on a trip. A ferry employee hears music coming from a car and goes to check it out. We see a bomb in the car. At the same time we see a man on a motor bike on a near by bridge. The camera focus on him. He gets off the bike and comes over and looks at the ferry for a minute maybe two. He then gets back on the bike and drives away. Why did the cameras go to him? Is he important? Then the ferry blows up.
Question if the man on the bridge was the bomber why did he leave? If he wasn't going to watch what was he doing there at all? Not logical!
A policeman comes to investigate. He tries to ring his partner. We then hear a moblie phone ring on one of the dead bodies. Is it the partner? Was he on the ferry?
We learn the partner started his holiday on Monday. It is now 'Fat' Tuesday. Why would the policeman ring his partner in the 'middle' of a case? The partner is on hoilday and not coming to the scene. Again not logical!
Our dectetive is called to view another body burned by the ferry blast. But it turns out it was found ten minutes before the ferry blew up at 10.50 a.m. It is the body of a young beautiful coloured girl.
We see a new man come on the scene. He is with a new section of crime scene investigation. Our main investigator is told within 24 hours that this section can 'bend' time and view the scene 4 days and 6 hours in the past.
The dectective believes the young girl is the answer to the ferry blast. So the section begins viewing her. The 4 days and 6 hours means we are seeing the girl on Saturday morning. We hear her ex ask her to sell the car. The earliest she cou;d have put the ad in the paper is Sunday.
But the biggest problem I had with this movie was the phone call by the bomber. He makes it Sunday night to buy the girl's car. The section is able to trace it and obtain photos of the suspect. Using these photos they scan the camera footage of the ferry terminal and find the suspect did a recon early Monday morning.
They send a message back through time to the dectective's desk on the Sunday night, but he has just had an argument with his partner and leaves. It is the partner who reads the message and goes to the dock. He approaches the suspect in the car. The only person around at that hour in the early morning and asks him to step out of the car. He is shot throught the car door by the suspect.
On Thursday the investigator arrests and interviews the suspect. He states he had to buy a new car because of the bullet holes. The girl would not have died if the policeman had not been there. There it is! The bullet holes occurred Monday morning. He made the call to buy the car on Sunday night.
The next thing. The suspect takes the wounded officer 'home' and shots him and then burns the body. We assumed to put it in the boot of the car with the explosives. It might look like just another victim of the fire. Hence the phone ringing!!!
However he burns the girl alive and when asked why says he couldn't shot her because when they found the bullet they would know she wasn't killed in the blast! So why burn the officer's body?
Then the dectective finds the body of his parnter in a 'shark' tank. A pefect arm floating in the water. Not a burn mark in sight. Strange that the shark ate everything else but the unburned arm. After all it is four days since he was killed. So again I ask why burn the body if he was just going throw it in the shark tank?
Was the ringing phone just a red herring?
The ending was logical. After all you couldn't very well have two of the same person living his life, now could you?
I liked it but as I said the inconsitency was off putting.
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Top Pub- Meg's Party.
Well the party happened!
I never thought of getting a 30th Birthday balloon, but I did get a badge that read '30th' on it. We were sitted at table number 30, but despite what the others thought I had not ordered table 30. It was just a 'happy' coincidence. A lady two tables over was having a 70th Birthday with balloons. I said to Meg "If you're feeling old imagine how she feels!"
Simon had broken up with Meg on Sunday. They seem to take turns doing this every couple of months. She does not want to talk about it at the moment so enough said.
Thus he was not there. Sarah, Kim's third daughter, was unable to come as she had to work at the last moment. Of course I had not invited either Melissa or Angela as they are not speaking to each other nor is Melissa speaking to Kim. Ross was too tired from work to come.
Kim, Jess, Don Jr, Kath, Nathen and kids were there as well as Cliff and myself.
We used our shop a dockets and every one seemed pleased with their meals. There was so much left over from everyone else's plates that Don Jr and Nathen couldn't cope with it all. It must be the first time I've seen those two knock back food.
While waiting for our orders I thanked Meg once again for coming and telling me what a good mother I had been to her. I can't get over her admitting that.
I never thought for the two years, when she was 15-17, when she told me that she hated me evry day, that she would do a 180. It shows that she is maturing. I guess it didn't hurt that she met Simon's mother Rita. The comparsion was just so blatant. Now there is a woman who thinks that she is a mother of 'young' children all her life. She wants to control her eight sons' lives like they were little boys rather than men in their 30's and 40's. The sad part is, they allow it.
Anyway, I was felling all warm from Meg's praise when Kim burst into tears. I guess the comparsion between my older daughter praising me and hers, who refuses to speak to her was too great.
So I began to talk about the book I was currently reading.
But truth be told, I was pleased that Kim knew how Meg felt. As a young mother she turned to me one day and said she didn't need to be told how to mother her kids as she was a better mother than me.
I guess we now know which one turned out to be the better mother. (At the present time, as thing change so quickly, especially in a 'living' family.)
Is it too mean to take joy out of the situation, not of my making?
Cliff had picked up the mud cake and brought it over to my house. I had taken it to the kitchen staff and they bought it out after we had our main meal. I was disappointed it had white chocolate on it. Though I had ordered vanilla mud cake I still thought it would have dark chocolate on it. Meg said I had ordered white as it is my favourite. It is , but it was a genuine mistake. She loved the candles that spelt out her name. M-E-G. Told her I got them from What's New?
After the cake it was 9 p.m. and the party began to break up. Kim thanked me for asking her and said it will most likely be the only 30th Birthday party she will be attending this year as Melissa will not invite Kim to celebrate hers.
Meg said Melissa had not even rang Meg to wish her Happy Birthday. At one stage Meg had been great pals with Melissa despite the fact Melissa broke her toys or stole them when she could. Well we all grow up whether we want to or not.
Everyone else went home but Meg and I spent twenty minutes in the pokie room. I put $30 in the machines and walked away with $25. So that wasn't too bad I was prepared to lose the $30.
Meg will met me for lunch at 1 p.m. this Friday.
I never thought of getting a 30th Birthday balloon, but I did get a badge that read '30th' on it. We were sitted at table number 30, but despite what the others thought I had not ordered table 30. It was just a 'happy' coincidence. A lady two tables over was having a 70th Birthday with balloons. I said to Meg "If you're feeling old imagine how she feels!"
Simon had broken up with Meg on Sunday. They seem to take turns doing this every couple of months. She does not want to talk about it at the moment so enough said.
Thus he was not there. Sarah, Kim's third daughter, was unable to come as she had to work at the last moment. Of course I had not invited either Melissa or Angela as they are not speaking to each other nor is Melissa speaking to Kim. Ross was too tired from work to come.
Kim, Jess, Don Jr, Kath, Nathen and kids were there as well as Cliff and myself.
We used our shop a dockets and every one seemed pleased with their meals. There was so much left over from everyone else's plates that Don Jr and Nathen couldn't cope with it all. It must be the first time I've seen those two knock back food.
While waiting for our orders I thanked Meg once again for coming and telling me what a good mother I had been to her. I can't get over her admitting that.
I never thought for the two years, when she was 15-17, when she told me that she hated me evry day, that she would do a 180. It shows that she is maturing. I guess it didn't hurt that she met Simon's mother Rita. The comparsion was just so blatant. Now there is a woman who thinks that she is a mother of 'young' children all her life. She wants to control her eight sons' lives like they were little boys rather than men in their 30's and 40's. The sad part is, they allow it.
Anyway, I was felling all warm from Meg's praise when Kim burst into tears. I guess the comparsion between my older daughter praising me and hers, who refuses to speak to her was too great.
So I began to talk about the book I was currently reading.
But truth be told, I was pleased that Kim knew how Meg felt. As a young mother she turned to me one day and said she didn't need to be told how to mother her kids as she was a better mother than me.
I guess we now know which one turned out to be the better mother. (At the present time, as thing change so quickly, especially in a 'living' family.)
Is it too mean to take joy out of the situation, not of my making?
Cliff had picked up the mud cake and brought it over to my house. I had taken it to the kitchen staff and they bought it out after we had our main meal. I was disappointed it had white chocolate on it. Though I had ordered vanilla mud cake I still thought it would have dark chocolate on it. Meg said I had ordered white as it is my favourite. It is , but it was a genuine mistake. She loved the candles that spelt out her name. M-E-G. Told her I got them from What's New?
After the cake it was 9 p.m. and the party began to break up. Kim thanked me for asking her and said it will most likely be the only 30th Birthday party she will be attending this year as Melissa will not invite Kim to celebrate hers.
Meg said Melissa had not even rang Meg to wish her Happy Birthday. At one stage Meg had been great pals with Melissa despite the fact Melissa broke her toys or stole them when she could. Well we all grow up whether we want to or not.
Everyone else went home but Meg and I spent twenty minutes in the pokie room. I put $30 in the machines and walked away with $25. So that wasn't too bad I was prepared to lose the $30.
Meg will met me for lunch at 1 p.m. this Friday.
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