Sunday, January 31, 2010

Pressure, Pressure and more Pressure.

I had not done my list for nearly a week and the
pressure of knowing there were lots of things I
HAD TO DO but wasn't doing was getting to me so
I sat down and wrote them out once again as lists
of ten items per day, and felt much better when
I saw them that way.

Meg wanted to look at my list and when she saw
e mail and blog on the list she scathingly said
"You might as well put, brushing your teeth on
there as well."

She can be a real bitch at times, a chip off the
old block as they say.

Had great satisfaction in crossing off all the
items for Monday!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Australia Day 2010

I rang Keith as I wanted to know if he was going
to the bar be que. An hour later he sent this
terrible text message saying I was crazy for
wanting to go.

Yes I guess I am crazy for wanting to be part of
a family that don't want me.

Cliff, Ross, Keith, Kirsten and I went. There were
about six people less than last year.

We arrived at midday which was a FULL hour before
any one else. Dennis's wife Glennis was still out
doing the shopping for the barbeque when we arrived
so next year I will remind Cliff of this and try to
get him to leave at least half an hour later, as it
makes it quite a long day, when we get back home at
9 p.m.

Keith drove back as he did last year and Cliff was
as bad as he was last year critizing every thing
the man did. It was if he still seems him as a
16 year old learner driver rather than a man who
has driven for 14 years!!

I wonder if the reason why Ross does not learn to
drive is he couldn't take his father's abuse?

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A Winning Night at the R.S.L.

I made the effort to get to Cliff's at 6.10 p.m. only
to find Richard's van there but no Cliff. There was a
scrap of paper on the bench "Gone to dogs" and I thought
years ago.

He had not taken his mobile phone so I had no idea what
I was suppose to do, so I thought 'stuff him' and went
to the R.S.L.

I bought a strip of raffle tickets, five for $10 with a
bonus ticket.

I had barely sat down when there was a tap on my shoulder
and Cliff was there.

He also bought two strips of tickets and Richard bought a
strip too.

Well Richard won a meat pack, Cliff won a vegie pack and
a $20 voucher on the club and I won a meat pack. By the
end of the raffle every one was fed up with us as no other
table had more than one winner and we had four winners out
of three people and four tickets! Best night ever!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My Slave Goes Home.

By yesterday Kirsten was feeling home sick. Or perhaps
she was just sick of all the chores she had to do for Nan.

Anyway I finally was able to get hold of a hanyman and he
met me at Yallourn Nth to give me a quote for all the

While waiting for him two young men turned up and took
photos of the back paddock "to show the council" I have
no idea who they were. I don't think they work for the
council I think they are just little shits trying to make
trouble for me as if I don't have enough troble as it is.

Still no response from the bloke who was suppose to cut
the paddock so it looks as if I'll have to look for
another bloke.

As the saying goes 'it never rains but it pours' but for
the last year I have been in floods and I'm getting
pretty sick of it!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Cliffy is in Fine Form.

It hit me like a thunderbolt this weekend but Cliff
is turning me into his mother. I don't know when it
began but over the past three weekends it has been
quite obvious.

Three week ends ago, he gave me his R.S.L. card
'to mind for him.' As soon as we got home I gave it
back. It was just a 'paper' temporary card till his
new plastic card arrives.

Last week end he wanted to do garage sales on Saturday
and I did not but he came and woke me up demanding to
know what I had done with his car keys. He claimed to
have searched the house for an hour but could not find
them esprecailly as they were not were he ALWAYS keeps

Of course once he woke me I had to go to the toilet and
there sitting on the coffeee table was a set of car keys
(That is not where they are suppose to be) and I picked
them up and asked if they were the ones he was looking
for (He has two cars). He looked and said 'no the other
ones'. I walked into the bathroom and sitting on the
vanity unit was the other set of keys so I picked them
up and said "these?"
"Is that where you left them?" he asks.
My reply "Considering I did not drive your car on Friday
then no, perhaps when you came home Friday night you
rushed in to go to the toilet and left them there?"
He looked sheepish, BUT I DID NOT GET AN APOLOGY!!!

Then last Friday night at the R.S.L. I gave him back
his mobile phone that he had lent me, see "Worse
Friday Ever" as he had been complaining all week
about my not giving back the phone.

He also won a roast in the raffle that night.

Saturday afternoon he asks me "Where is the roast?"
"I don't know" I said. "You had it" he says.
"No" says I. "Don't tell me you left it at the club"
he says. "No poppy" chimes in Kirsten "You took it
to the car I saw it."

We troop out to the car sitting in the 30 degree heat
and sure enough there is the roast sitting on the
floor in front of the passenger seat.

Well it was only good enough for the dogs by then.
His response was "Why did he have to be responsible

On Sunday he demanded to know where the mobile was. It
was still sitting on the car dash board where he had
left it on Friday night. Turns out you can not only
drown a mobile phone but you can fry them as well!
Of course that was my fault too.

That was when it hit me. Adults look after their own
shit and I have enough of my own thank you very much.
I'm not his mother why do I have to mind his shit
as well?? Why if he mucks up do I have to take the blame?

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Hello Ah Dee/James

Two weeks ago there was this film on T.V. "Is There
Anybody There?". It reminded me of studying for my
degree by long distance education at Monash Uni, in
Churchill. In the first Sociology packet I received
a tape and it began "Is there anybody there?"

It went on to say that for the lecturer it is a vastly
different thing to speak to a lecture room of students
and sending forth a tape into the unknown.

I started writing diaries in my teens, but every year
the same thing would happen. January and Feb would be
full, March and April would have about 20 days done,
May about 10 days and June was lucky to have 3 days.
As for the rest fo the year, well mostly they are
blank. Like a New's Year Resolution the
'sticktoitness' dries up.

That is why I started my blog. I realised of course
that it was in the cyberspace domain and thus open to
the public to read but never in my wildest dreams, did
I actually think anyone would read it. After all it
is just a rundown of my life with it's up and downs
and my moans about things that upset me and things that
puzzle me. The movies and books I read and what I
thought of them as well as my rant about T.V. shows.

So you could have knocked me down with a feather when
I saw last weekend that it said I had 'a follower' so
I went back and had a look over the last 18 months and
not only that a few people have actually written
comments!! So to all you people out there who have
taken the time to have a look at my blog, I thank you.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

My Baby Turns 29!

Kathleen had her 29th Birthday on Jan 12th this year.

Cliff and I went up to Yallourn Nth after he closed
the shop for the day. I had bought salads and chicken
earlier, with a lemonington sponge cake earlier. That
type of ckae had been herfather's favourite cake!

Meg picked up Donald after she finished work as they
had to go and play netball at 8.30 p.m. in Traralgon.

We polished off nearly everything except one or two
spoonfuls of coleslaw!

Cliff and I had also gone to Foodworks at Yallourn Nth
and bought the grog for us and two cans for Kath, some
cans of soft drink for the kids, plus some Smith's
crisps. They were the only ones her fathter would eat.
I only eat the original Smith's crisps.

Took lots of photos.

Sid and Toss popped in for awhile. But we did not eat
till after they left as there was really not enough
for them as well as us. In fact I was surprised to
see them there at all! They gave Kath a lovely book
on scrapbooking.

Though it was still hot indoors, after a day of 40
degree heat, it thankfully was cooler outside when
we all left just before 8 p.m. Cliff and I went to
his place where we watched "The Good Sheperd" which
I taped two weeks ago, but as usual the station
overrun on programs and even though I had set the
recorder an extra ten minutes I would say we missed
about the last fifteen minutes of the film. Cliff
was not impressed.

Monday, January 11, 2010

The Longest Day of the Year.

Watching "Want to be a Millionaire" and the question was asked
"In Australia, in what month is the longest day of the year?"

Traditional it has been the 22nd Dec and the shortest day is
June 22nd, but the girl working it out, was given, Nov, Dec,
Jan and Feb and she said it would only be a quess, but she
knew it was not November as she was born that month and as
January is the middle of Summer it would have to be then.

Of course she was told she was wrong, but it started me thinking.

She is right January is the middle of Summer, so logically
wouln't it have the longest day?

Surely the weather bureau has the 'correct' answer, as they know
when the sun rises and when it sets. Must look into this further.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Worse Friday Ever!

Of course that has to go to the Friday, 25th May, 1962,
when my mother died.

It seems that from that point on that the bad things
that happen to me in my life occur on a Friday, and
it does not have to be a 13th to qualify.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Happy New Year for 2010!

Well Cliff told Sue and Allen that we would go to their
Bar-be-que, plus go and see his son Ross play the drums
in Liz's last performance with 'House Rules'.

Sue and Alan's event starting at 6 p.m. and the perform-
ance starting at 8 p.m. as if we are super people as
both wanted us to stay till midnight. God the last
time Cliff stayed up to midnight was last New Year's
Eve, unlike me taht stays up to 3 a.m. about five
night a week.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Christmas 2009

Christmas was had at Kathleen's house. She and Nathan
did a wonderful job. There were plenty of cold meats
as well as a hot chicken, with spuds and vegies. I
decided to go for a hot meal.

I had TWO desserts of pavlova, YUM!! with pudding and
brandy custard! What a little piggy I was!

Thw adults were out numbered! Seven children and six
adults as of couse it was only Kath's side of the
family as She and Nathan go to visit his family later.
Both sides don't get on, but then it is hard to get on
with someone that is totally rude to you.

There were a few squabbles, nothing major. Once again
Kath and Nathan went overboard and wasted money on TOO
much stuff for the kids.

Is it any wonder they can't afford to pay their bills.
They are giving those children a false sense of security.
It is not a good thing for a child to get everything
they want it gives them a completley wrong idea of the
adult world. The sooner they learn that they have to
go without at times, the better of all of the family
will be.