Friday, December 23, 2011

Christnas Eve

People to see, places to go, cards to still send and
millions of presents to wrap, well maybe about twenty!

What more to say oh yes my daughter (Katk) wants me
to do the shopping for her for tomorrow as we are
having TEA with her and her kids at Dons (with his
kids) and neither of them have the money to pay for
the goods!

So that's it for now. Merry Xmas all!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

My PartyLite Stuff Arrives

Sue rang up on Wednesaday and said that the orders from earlier
in the month had arrived. So Kath, Kirsten and I went out to
Churchill to pick it up.

Sue was very apologitic as she hdad said not to spend too much
and moved an order onto my free spending. This reduced my party
from $560 to $543. Turns out there was a special offer for Host
ess's who parties were over $550. They received a free item
worth about $150. So to make up for it she gave me her candle
holder Xmas tree, that had beed broken and repaired, which she
was trying to sell for $35. Better than a kick up the back side.

Monday, December 12, 2011

When are You Living Together?

Was watching an old episode of "Big Bang Theory" which
I had not seen before and Seldon was invoking a clause
in the tenent agreement whereby Leonerd was living
with Dr. Stephanie. The clause says that "If a girl
friend stays every weekend in a month and three other
week days it is deemed that she is living with Leonerd."

That is pretty harsh, given that the average month has
30 days, that is only 11 days in the month, not even 50%!
Even Centrelink is not as bad as that, their ruling is
4 days a week, thus 16 days in the month! or just over
50%. I reckon it should be closer to 60% or 5 days a

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Kirsten Breaks a Bone.

We got the results of the X Ray on Thursday and Kirsten
has a greenstick fracture of her little toe(R)foot.

The nurse strapped it to show us what to do. She told
Kirsten that she has to sit and put it up on a chair.

The nurse also said that there was no reason why Kirsten
should NOT go to school. She is not allowed to run on
the foot. But walking and swimming are OK.

The Dr said that Kirsten should go to school, just to
be careful with her foot.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Kirsten Starts at A New School.

Kurni has a program called Headstart, which means that pupils
in Year 7 get to do Year 8 for the last week and a half of school.

This is her second day and so far she is enjoying it.

However, on the night before her first day, she stubbed her toe
walking into the lounge room. It is very badly bruised and I
think she may have broken a small bone as it is still causing
her a great deal of pain. I took her to the Dr, but we won't
get the results till Thursday afternoon. In the meantime she
is hobbling around and can't do P.E. and Sports, which she
thinks is a bonus as these are not her favorite subjects.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Meg Is Engaged!

While Mick was away working in S.A. he rang Donald.
As Meg's closest male relative he asked if he could
have "Meg's hand in marriage". Isn't that quiant.

Later when he returned home when most of the family
was present he once again asked Donald, in person, for
Meg's hand.

Then on Thursday 1st Dec he asked Meg.

Surprise! Surprise! she said YES.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Dayne Turns One.

My youngest grandchild Dayne Cook turned one years old on
Saturday 3rd of December, 2011.

His father dropped the children off at Donald's house. Kath
is now staying there till she finds a place of her own.

Cliff came after work. Gavin was with him. They stayed
till just after 2.30 pm. which was much longer than I had
hoped for as Cliff loves his horse racing on Saturday

Kirsten stayed till Donald dropped her and Sam back to Karen's.
Then they walked around to Poppy Cliff's to ask could Sam
spend the night.

I don't think Dayne cared two hoots about his birthday. He
just liked looking at all the faces around him.

Ryley attracted attention from Elizabeth who gave him a kiss.
He ran as far away from her as he could get in a 15 foot by
12 foot room!

Meg and Mick were coming after 3 p.m. so I did not see them.

A good day was had by all!