Monday, February 27, 2012

Leap Year

Leap Year always makes me think of two things. Firstly the
Olympics and the second all the poor unforunate people who
have a birthday on the 29th Feb.

To those people having a birthday on the 29th HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

Very shortly we will be hearing about the big O and all the
excitment surrounding it. I hope there is no political back
lash this year as I always think that is contary to the O ideal.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Donald and Lisa

Well on Sunday 19th Feb My son Don finally asked his
girlfriend, Lisa, of two years to marry him.

He came in from sports walked over to the T.V. and
turned it off the channel she and Kath were watching
on to the football, saying "I'm not watching this crap."
His father did the same to me once and it made me so
furious, but the worse part was he had no idea that
he had done something wrong!

Anyway Donald went over to Lisa and knelt down by the
lounge and asked her for a kiss, and she said "Only on
the cheek" as she was cross with him. He then pulled out
the box, opened it and asked her to marry him.

For the next five mnutes she kept asking "Are you for
real, this isn't as joke is it, is it real are you
kidding me, over and over and then she cried and put
the ring on. Kath poked her head out from the kitchen
and said "You haven't given my brother an answer yet."

Lisa said "Yes."

That was about 8.30 p.m. He rang to tell me and I took
Kirsten around and we stayed till 10 p.m. getting all
the details as they continued to ring and tell family
the news. Kath put it on facebook and about twenty
congrats came in almost at once!

Donald then said "You can bring most of your stuff up,
this weekend." and Lisa said "Oh does that mean I moving
in ." Donald said "Of course we're engaged now."

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Valintine's Day 2012

Cliff took me out to the Morwell Club for tea and then
we went to the Morwell Bowling Club to play the pokies
as he said that he has played every machine in the
Morwell Club and wanted to see if there were different
ones at the Bowling Club. There were.

I can now write that Donald had planned on asking Lisa
to marry him on Valintine's Day but there were still
no word on getting the coreect ring size. Then at 3 p.m.
on the day the girl from the shop rang and said they had
it in! I rang Don only to find that because they were
so broke that niether could afford to drive to see each
other, so he wasn't going to ask her after all. BUMMER!

Any way I had a lovely night as Kirsten stayed with Don
and Kath so it was just Cliff and myself! Cliff said that
we could have gone to a fancy restraunt in Traralgon but
I said why waste $100 on a meal, when we can get a
perfectly good meal for $22 at the club! that left
nearly $80 over for the pokies which we played till
nearly 8.20 p.m. as I had to get Kirsten to bed by 8.30
p.m. being a school night!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Euchre 2012

Euchre began on 9th Jan, but I was unable to go to the
first night and the next week my score was only 95. I
could not believe the lousy cards I was getting, all
the sevens and eights hardly a hand with anything over

Then on the 23rd things were not that much better, with
a score of 117. I was begginning to think that I would
not get up to my average from last year of 119.

On the 30th I could not seem to do anything wrong. I did
not get one lone hand but often the person I was partnering
did and I ended up with q score of 154 out of a possible
165, that is a average of 14 points a game out of 15!

That one great game, it is the best score I have ever had
took my average to 122! so I was really wraped!

Friday, February 3, 2012

The New School Year

Kirsten tried to prove a point yesterday by wearing
her old school uniform. That is she has NO clothes
that fit her to wear. Everything that does fit her
is in the wash.

I did a big wash and got her to hang out the clothes
as only one dress was mine and I bought them in as she
has gone to Nanny Leonie's for the night and won't be
back till 5 p.m. tomorrow.

She was looking forward to school starting. But some
how things have gone wrong already and some girl on
facebook is threating to beat her up. Kirsten says
this girl says that Kirsten ruined her relationship
with her boyfriend James and she will beat her up for
that. Kirtsen has not physically met any boy called
James so I don't know what this is about unless Kirsten
was talking to him on face book.

When did girls become so physically threating???and
since when did talking to anyone on a computer become
so bad?