Friday, January 31, 2014


Last Thursday I bought 15 varied pointsettes at Bunnings
at a cost of $2 each. The girl who served me said that
on the 24th December they were selling for $16:31 each!
They will only last about another six weeks so I guess
that is reasonable value for $2. I just wondered how
long they will last in my footpath garden before they
are stolen.

So it was a week now and I am surprised that all the plants
are still there. About six people have passed by and said
how nice they look and they are still there!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Jasmine Stays

We swapped Talhia and Jasmine on Saturday 25th and
I went shopping with her and Kirsten at Traralgon
Center Plaza. The way she acted I got the impression
that Jasmine had not shopped at Coles there before.

It took her about three minutes to find the light
switch in the kitchen on Saturday night and this is
after being here on a number of occasions with the
family and having stayed here with Kirsten at least
twice before. However she is always eager to help,
which makes up for her slowness.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Talhia and Kirsten Come to Stay

The girls came on Thursday 23rd and Friday 24th to stay
at poppy Cliff's. Talhia was helpful and cut up the rock
melon for dessert on Friday night. She got drinks for
everyone not just herself like Kirsten does. She took
the dirty dishes and cups out to the kitchen when they
were finished with them.

As Cliff said it was a pleasure to have her as she is
not always lying on the lounge with the phone glued to

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Kathleen Turns 33.

I drove up to Yallourn Nth. Meg and Mick were already
there. I had the cheesecake I got there about 12.30
p.m. and Cliff got there about 1.20 p.m. He bought
the KFC.

I took photos of Kath.

We had the chicken, but did not get to the cake till
after Cliff left. He left at 2.30 p.m. to go pick up
Ross and we had the cake about 3 p.m.

Mick and Meg were putting together the unit Kath and I
bought for the baby, as I was leaving. Kath said she
and Talhia gave upon it. Mick found that it had put
the wrong number on some of the pieces. There were
suppose to be four NO:2's and two NO: 4's but it had
labeled two NO: 2's and four NO: 4's!!

Talhaia gave Kath the tray and boxes of goddies, from
herself and all the kids. Kirsten gave her the hot
chocolate drinking mug set I gave her the bath set.

Meg said she would go 1/2's in the cheesecake with me.

Don was going to call in on his way home from Drouin.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Shingles (Cont.)

The rash got worse despite taking the medication so I
went to see Dr. Rose. She gave me some Codapane
Forte, for the stabbing pain and some Calamine lotion
for the burning sensation.

It turns out that if you are under 50 you only have a
1 in 1,000 of catching it. But once you are over 50
that increases to 1 in 250.

Also you usually catch it from the chicken pox virus
when you come in contact with it. But if like me you
have been immunized then it eliminates it from your
system except in some cases where one virus hides in
a nerve in the spine just waiting to come out and play.

So with my diabetes it turns out that lowers immunity
as well add the stress of Christmas and the little
devil saw its chance.

The rash can last from two to six weeks. From day
three the itching stops and is replaced with a burning
sensation which lasts as long as the rash. Also
depending on how bad the rash is, depends if I'm left
with mild discolouring of the skin to severe scarring.

But I am very lucky. The nerve could have been near
a vital organ and caused damage to them. Or the rash
could have been in a more visible place like the arms
legs or worse on the face. There have been cases
involving the eye nerve and it has cause blindness!

About day 6 another pain happens. This time it is a
stabbing pain inside along the nerve.

This nerve pain can last for three months in 25% of
sufferers. Up to a year for another 60% of people.
For 15% of sufferers the pain can go on for YEARS!!!

The tablets I am taking is famlovircic and I am
suffering from one of the side effects which is a
generalized itching from the bottom of my feet to the
top of my head. It was so bad last night that I did
not fall asleep till close to 6 a.m. but a fly buzzing
near my ear woke me at 10 a.m.

It did not help that Cliff was snoring, the dogs ran
outside three times from midnight to 6 a.m. barking
and then jumping on the bed, then scratching their
fleas! that a car screeched past at 3 a.m. that some
men were at the mail box talking and drinking at 2
a.m. for about half an hour. The birds sang for an
hour from about 4.30 a.m. till 5.30 a.m.

As I said a BAD night for sleeping! wish I had stayed

Thursday, January 9, 2014


I developed this rash on Thursday 2/01/14. Great start to the
New Year. I thought at first it was like the rash I get under
my boobs, which get hot and sweaty. But on Sunday it began to
hurt. It was tender to the touch and wearing clothes which
rubbed on it hurt too. I can't describe the pain when Cliff
threw his arm across my body and hit the rash, (though not
nearly as bad as the pain that shot through my head when I had
my heart episode!)So I went to the Dr. This time I saw a Dr.
Tolu, a female doctor who took a quick look and said shingles.

She gave me a course of treatment (tablets) for it, but nothing
for the actual rash, which had three small patches about the size
of a 50 cent piece running in a line about two inches below and
to the right of my right boob and another patch about the length
of a dollar but half the width about 4 inches below the first

I started taking the tablets as soon as I got back to Cliff's.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Year's Eve

A very quiet night. Kept Cliff awake to watch the fireworks,
on Channel 7. But as soon as they were finished at 12.20 a.m.
he was off to bed.

We did not hear one car horn beep at midnight. But we did hear
some fireworks from the local park but did not see them as all
the trees blocked the view.