It is one of those weeks. I am feeling BLAH! Started with last Friday. I swear I thought it must have been Friday the 13th. I got home from driving to Brian's, with the book orders, and what should I see but what looked like a cat on my fence. What the? I thought. So I get out of the car and go to the front fence to see. As I approach I see it is a cat. A dead cat, a very dead cat. I am thinking some sick bastard has run it over and hung it on my fence. Then I look closer. It's paws are pushing against the fence. Then it hits me. It has tried to jump the fence and its head has fallen between the palings. It has panicked and tried to pull free instead of lifting its head up. It has strangled itself.
I don't have time to do anything about it. I had woken a half hour early and decided to go on the internet and do some research for my writing and lost track of the time, the next thing I know it it an hour later. Hurry hurry hurry!!!
I go pick up Kylie and show her the dead cat. Then down to I-Gain to meet Beryl. I take the big bags out of my car and put them in Beryl's. My handbag is on Kylie's side so I tell her to grab it. I have left the keys in the car. No problem as I have an automatic door locking system. Kylie decided to be helpful and pushed her button down and slamed her door before I even knew what she intended.
No time to wait. Lucky I had my bag. On the way to TAFE I rang Cliff and asked him to call the RACV to come and open the car. He had to wait half an hour and did not get to the shop till 10 a.m. He opens at 9.30 a.m. on Thursday and Friday.
Get back the first mark from Play and find I got the lowest in the seven that handed in their work. 16 out of 20. He said I had confused the play with the screen format. I though we had only been given the PLAY format!! just different versions.
Late getting back to Morwell as Beryl wanted to chat to Phil the student and then Phil the teacher.
She dropped me off at Work Solutions. I was exactly on time only to find that Wade was called away to Leongatha and was running late. Ross rang him and then asked me could I come back in half an hour. I said it was impossible. I'd only given him that time under duress of the phone call he had made on Thursday. But I had missed the appointment on Tuesday, because he had forgot to put it in the computer and I did not get the reminder.
Got to the shop told Cliff what was happening then Beryl arrived to take me to my car. When I got back Meg was waiting so we went off to lunch. They did not have the lunch I wanted so had to order something else.
Back at the shop I showed Cliff all the things Lena had thrown out. Even he was surprised at some of them.
Had to go to Center Link and here my luck changed. Usually I have to wait 15-30 minutes but I was seen within five minutes.
Luck continued when I got home, the dead cat was gone. The owners must have come looking for it. I dreaded ringing the council and getting them to come.
Phone call from Kath. Nathen was not going to bring Kirsten down could I please come up and pick her up. Was annoyed with Kirsten as Meg told me that she had told her that she (Kirsten) was bored when she came to Poppy Cliff's. After all the running around we do!! So I told her this would be the last week end we would have her, seeing as she was so bored with us. Kirsten then got upset. But I would not change my mind.
On Saturday Cliff had to drop her off at Meg's on his way to work so that Meg could drive her to Newbourgh for her soccer presentation at the skating rink. Then Nathen dropped her off again at the shop so we had her while Kath worked Saturday night.
All the kids were in the car and Cliff was surprised at Jasmine remembering him and running up and wanting a cuddle and a kiss.
Then he had to take Kirsten to the Sunday market for the day and she wanted him to buy everything she saw. After last time he put his foot down and said no. He then had to drop her off at Don Jr's so she could see his kids and Nathen and Kath were coming to pick her up from there.
Still could not get hold of "Dead Poet's Society." Turns out Vicky had it last week but she said she returned it but then someone else has taked it and I booked it for Tuesday. But the young man said I would have to be put down for Tuesday for a week so Beryl said she would go get it and I told her to keep her mobile on so I could ring her. But the boy did not ring. So on Wednesday I rang the store and yes it was in so I told them Beryl would come. Then tried ringing her house at 10.30 a.m. and 11 a.m. then realised she was at drawing classes in Morwell so I tried her mobile and the bitch had it turned off. So now I don't know when she will pick it up, will have to try her later this afternoon.
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