Monday, January 21, 2008

Inconsiderate Drivers

Thank God that after twenty years Latrobe Council say that they
are in the last stages of finalising the by pass for Traralgon.

Beryl lives on Princes Highway in Traralgon and it gets worse
every weekend trying to back out of her driveway.

Sometimes we are there for five minutes as a line of fifty or so
cars go past. But the worse part is that we could get out if they
only moved to the RIGHT HAND LANE, but no they all follow like
sheep staying in the left hand lane. Of course when you look at
the drivers 90% of them are male! They think they own the road!
and no one else is entitled to come onto their turf!

It is the same trying to turn from Kosciusko Street heading for
downtown Traralgon. I have to use the bike lane which is OK, if
some idiot hasn't parked there!

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