Thursday, May 22, 2008

Centerlink (Again!)

Last week a young man rang and asked me would I like to
attend a conference about the Morwell office of Centerlink
and voice any 'concerns' I had about the service.

The forum was held at the Traralgon Convention Center.
They supplied lovely cakes for morning tea and lunch of a
hot meal which was also nice. There was coffee, tea and
orange drinks available for breakfest, morning tea and lunch.

Water was on all the tables with breath mints.

There were 12 'customers' of Centerlink and 10 staff members.

But when it came to 'voting' using our electronic keypads
the results were invalid as the man conducting the survey
asked the staff to put in their responses.

Naturally they voted in the 6+ range for themselves but I
would say the 0's, 1's, 2's, 3's and 4's came from the

The main point of contention was the long waiting queues
when we have to hand in our fortnightly forms as well as
the lack of 'comfortable' seating as many people putting
in forms have disabilities and it is especially hard for
them to have to stand up for half an hour to an hour.

We will just have to see what happens as a result of this

I had to rush off straight after lunch to see Wade. As I
pulled up at Work Solutions, I heard this great loud BANG.
A garbage bin that had been leaning too far into the street
took out my passenger side mirror and nearly tore the unit
off the car.

The man (Damian) running the survey said that each 'customer'
was going to receive a $50 cheque in the mail for doing the
forum. I reckon that it will cost me a lot more than that to
get my car fixed. As they say no good deed goes unpunished.

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