Monday, September 29, 2008

Power Out

Kath thought that Leoine was taking Kirsten for the weekend on
Saturday 13th, but she said she couldn't and as she and Nathan
were going to Angela's 28th birthday party she asked me to mind

So they caught a taxi over and dropped off at Cliff's by 8.30
p.m.and then I drove them up to Angela's. So I took the boots
that Lacy left the weekend she stayed at Cliff's.

I went in to see Anglea and wish her Happy Birthday. I told her
Cliff was puzzled by the fact she was having a 28th Birthday Party
and as i said to him "it's just an excuse to have a booze up" just
like when his team win he drinks to celebrate and when they lose
he drinks to commiserate,. either way it's an excuse to drink (he
says different!!!) (HA! BLOODY HA!)

Angela said "Love the Nanna!"

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