Monday, November 24, 2008

An Abusive Male!

Bruce Oliver came into the Nook and Cranny on Friday
afternoon and had a go at me!

About six weeks ago on Monday night at the Morwell
Club while the Euchre Club were playing cards, Bruce
came in and started verbal abusing the Eurche Club.

I said to the other three members sitting at my table
to ignore him and he would go away but if we responded
he's continue.

It seems that one of the other ladies playing cards
couldn't ignore him and said "SUSH."

Approximately a week later than this, Bruce came into
the shop and told Cliff he didn't have control of
'his missus.' When Cliff asked for clarification on
this. Bruce said that I had told him to 'SUSH' at
the club and I threatened to write a letter to the
committee. Cliff said "No mate you've got it wrong it
wasn't her." But apparently Bruce wouldn't believe him.

On Friday 21st November at about 2.45 p.m. Bruce came
into the shop again. He said "Hello" I replied "Hello,
How are you?" The next instant he's calling me a f***ing
mole and a whore! I said "I beg your pardon." and he
said "You heard me" and repeated his abuse. He then said
"What happened to the letter you were going to write to
the committe?" and I said "I don't know what you are
talking about." Which of course I didn't!

He started on about the night he'd being giving abuse to
the euchre club and the penny dropped. I told him he
was mistaken it wasn't me but he just kept mouthing off.

Finally I had enough and told him to leave and he said "No
I'm going to read a book" and I said "No you're leaving."
He said "Whose going to make me?" and I replied "Cliff if
you're still here when he gets back." He then said "He's
more likely to throw you out than me." He must really be
delusional if he believes that.

So I began to move towards him and he kicked me and I
pushed him out of the shop. He said "That's assault and
I said "Report it to the police then." I was the one with
the bruised leg!"

Out on the street he still refused to move away from the door.
There was a young couple who were sitting in their car out
side the shop. The young man who was in the pasasenger seat
got out came over and said "Look mate the lady doesn't want
you here perhaps it would be best for you to move on." Bruce
turned on him and said "Oh yeah, and who the hell are you?"
I answered "A concerned citizen so leave now." He stood
there a moment and then began to move away and as he did
he gave a parting shot. "That's what you need to be a
concerned citizen." I didn't understand what he meant till
much later, then it hit me. I believe he was threatening me!

Within a few minutes Cliff was back. I wonder if Bruce saw
him coming and that's what made him decide it wasn't worth

There was a lady customer in the shop and she told Cliff and I,
she was so concerned for me she had begun to dial triple 0 but
thankfully the young man came along. She gave me her name.

To make matters worse he turned up again at the club on Monday
night 24th November and began to carry on again but then he
went into the gaming room. Later someone said he was asked to
move along. Hopefully that will put an end to it.

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