Sunday, December 14, 2008

Visiting Erika

After I had my hair coloured and cut at the Bridal Estate
hair dressers I rang Erika to see if she was home.

After having tried three times before to catch her at home
I was delighted to find her home so I went straight around.

She opened the door and said she had barely put the phone

She had sprained her ankle a couple of weeks ago and is still
finding it hard to walk around. She said it was the first
day without crutches.

I told her she should sue. She laughted and said everyone
hastold her the same thing!!! Someone said she should have
takenpictures. Erika said "Oh yes, there she is laying on
the sidewalk in pain so of course the first thing on her mind
is taking a picture!"

I asked if she had a mobile phone that takes pictures and
she said she did but would never have thought of that.

So then I told her the sad story of my 'lost' phone. She
liked the look of my new phone, so then we played with our

It turns out she is on the internet so I showed her how to
find my blog on the WWW, so she might check it out from now

She also has e mail so I have added her to my list!

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