Thursday, April 9, 2009

Talhia/Kirsten Swap

When I rang Sue Hill it was to discover that she had
made no effort to throw me a party tonight! In fact
she isn't sure she'll have one this month!

So instead of rushing over to Traralgon to 'her party'
Idecided to stay home and sleep! So i rang Cliff and
told him I'd bee over tomorrow!

I was sleeping and the phone rang and it was Kath
wanting to know if I'd have Talhia overnight. As I
have only had her once before I agreeded before I
remembered that I had not stocked up on groceries as
I was orginially going to Cliff's I have no bread,
eggs, or milk.

They turned up close to 6.30 p.m. I had heard Meg
having a shower just before they came but she had
left already, though they did see Mark outside.
Meg went to Donald's award night for cricket he got
a pennant for winning the grand final three trophies
and one continuning plaque.

Talhia was disappointed that Aunty Meg was not here.
I think she only wanted to stay to see Aunty Meg.
As soon as she woke up on Friday morning she was
in waking her up which gave Meg about four hours

I ended up going and getting us breakfest from
McDonald's. I got two double bacon burgers for
Talhia and I, but when I got them home it was to
find that was all they had on them NO EGG at all!

Just after twelve Nathan came and picked up Talhia
and dropped off Kirsten whom Cliff and I will take
home tomorrow when we go to Fred and Janette's

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