Friday, December 17, 2010

The Rush To Xmas

I really love this time of year. I have always
done so I approach Xmas with the expectations of
a child, all hopefull that I will get great

Yet even as a child Iwas continually disappointed.
I did not mind too much about getting clothes as
long as they were not school uniforms but I hated
it when the toys I got were usless. Who gives an
only child a game of Scrabble and Monopoly and
never plays with her? Well my parents did!!!

Worse were the dolls that came with REAL boxes of
Lux soap flakes to wash the doll's clothes with,
in a wash bowl with pegs. I hated helping Mum hang
out the clothes as the washing was always slapping
me in the face, though I liked to run up and down
between the sheets so Mum didn't know whereI was!

For many years my late husband gave me 'household'
items for Xmas e.g. sheet sets, irons and pot sets.
Yet he didn't like it when he got hammers, drills
and other 'boy's toys.'

In the end we found it better to just use our money
to buy our own gifts and wrap them and give them to

Even Cliff is terrible at buying me gifts, and when
he does hit on a good one he usually ruins it by
giving it to me straight away! This year he gave
me a great gift it was a calandar for next year but
a scrapbooking one with all the extra bits and pieces
with colour sheets on the back of each month so when
the month is finished you have a lovely sheet of paper
for your photos. But he gave it to me over six weeks
ago when he first bought it!

Better though than when he bought me plants because
that was what his late wife loved! Despite the fact
that I told him for 5 years that I have not only two
brown thumbs but 8 brown fingers as well.

But once again hope springs enternal and I am waiting
with baited breath for Xmas 2010.

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