Tuesday, March 6, 2012

March Madness

I complained to the council about the balckberries growing
on the fence line between the shop and my house at Yallourn
North. The inspector came up and looked and agreed with me
that they are on the shop's side of the propewrty line and
thus their responsibility. The mamager did not realize that
the fence line had been altered.

Only trouble was that he also saw that the ppaddock was not
cut, but as I explained on the phone I had organised for it
to be done the week before but the bloke had to go to his
sister's as her husband died.

He gave me two weeks to get it done, and to get rid of all
the rubbish in the back yard and under the house as he said
that was a breeding ground for vermain. Only trouble is it
was 3 weeks on Monday 5th March and in that 22 days it has
rained for 19 days!!

The weather Bureau says that the rain will continue till
Wednesday but should be fine on Thursday and Friday but to
expect more rain on the week end, only trouble with that is
it takes 3 days for the paddock to dry out!!

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