Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Good News/Bad News

Lately Kath has been hounding me with ths refrain.

Finally received a payout from the insurance company
re the tenant damage at Yallourn North.

It was $10,000 less than the quotes I presented to
them. So Don Jr has said he will do most of the
work if I can give him some of the money (if any)
that is left over!

At the rate things are going this does not look

The kitchen cupboards were to cost $2,000 and ended
up being $2,400.

Then after he removed the asbestos from the sunroom
he found that there were borers in the wood and that
cost an extra $1,000 to rip out the wood and replace
and treat. Hope the same thing has not happened in
the laundry.

In doing the laundry he found that the floating floor
that Hyden and Sid put in was not the correct wood and
is rotting so had to pull it out and when he was
removing the toilet he 'accidently' broke it. I wonder
how much Kath was involved in that, as she has been
asking for a new bowl for two weeks and I said NO as
the old one was only 5 years old. I have had the bowls
in my place for over twenty years!!!!

Neither of these thngs were covered by the insurance money
but the replacemnets will have to come from that money, so
what I saved on the asbestos quote will be eaten up by
these expenses.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Scrapbooking Memories

Over this last weekend, I received an e-mail
from the Magstore re a special offer. It was
ten issues of either SM or Creating Keepsakes.

I chose to have 10 issues of SM, but not matter
what I did I could not get past the address label.
It just kept me going around in circles.

I have NEVER ordered on line from this store.
It insisted I was an old customer and had to log
in to continue but when I tried that it insisted
I was a new customer and sent me back to the
address label again.

I spent an hour on this on Saturday and Sunday
and just gave up in frustration.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

The Cardiologist

So Meg and I leave to go to Dandendong for my
appointment with the caridologist. We leave at 11.30
which she said was WAY too early but it turned out to
be a good thing as there was some hold up just before

We never found out what was causing it, just that there
were a solid two lanes of traffic bumper to bumper moving
about 10kms an hour, for a good half an hour.

We got there about 1.15 p.m. had a sandwich and a coffee.

Got up to the unit at 1.35 p.m. I was to be there 15
minutes before the appointment. So we were in plenty of
time. When we went in, he asked why we did not got to
Warragul and see him there and I said "No one told me
that was an option." because of cause it is better to
drive for 40 minutes (one way) rather than 90 minutes
(one way)!!!

He said everything is fine. I don't have to see him
again. He wants a CT scan of my head to see what was
causing (if it is still there ) the pain on the day I
went to hospital (30th June).

Afterwards we went to Krispy Kreme and bought a coffee
and two donuts. I was allowed to drink the coffee in
Meg's car but not the donuts so I had those and shared
them with Kirsten after the R.S.L. that night.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Golden Birthday

I have no idea where Kath came up with this title.
She has told her children that this birthday is
when the date of your bithday matches your age,
e.g. Kirsten was born on the 19th thus when she
turns 19 this will be her golden birthday!

Thus Talhia who was born on the 10th August 2002
had her golden birthday on the 10th of this month.

Aunty Meg took her to Melbourne to see "Annie,"
tickets were Adult $140!! so I declined to go.
It must have cost Meg cost to $200 just for tickets,
then snacks and even getting there on the train
meant that the outting was close to $300!!!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Sent Home

Well all good things come to an end and my stay
at Cliff's ended on Wednesday 1st August.

I must say I was surprised at Ross, twice he
asked me if I wanted soup when he was heating
up some, and once he cooked a full meal and asked
me if I wanted some! In the 16 years I have been
with his father that is the first time he has
shown any consideration for me at all!!!

Any way what with going home I was so preoccupied,
that the fact it was Keith's birthday slipped my
mind till about a week later. I don't even think
his father remembered the actual day!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Kirsten's Day

On Friday 20th we went to the Morwell club as
usual for tea and the Friday night raffle.

However Kath bought a cake and we celebrated
Kirsten's 14th birthday.

We did not win anything but we had a great night.

Maddie and Kirsten went to dance first so we
had plenty of time to do the cake.

Kirsten was surprised and delighted especially
as Auntie Meg and Mick came as well.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

The "Twins" Have Their Birthday.

Ross was 33 on Thursday 19th of July and Kirsten turned 14.
I shall always remember him banging his head on the wall
next to the phone when I told him Kath had a baby girl
born on the 19th. He said "She stole my birthday!!"

Cliff and I took him to the R.S.L. for tea. Both Ross
and I had steak. I rarely have steak but I enjoyed every
mouthfull. Ross said his steak was enjoyable too. We all
went and played the poker machines and while Cliff won $100,
I won $30 and Ross won $10.

So we all enjoyed the night and came away winners!

Friday, August 17, 2012

I See My Doctor ( But Does He See Me???)

I got in to see my Doctor on Tuesday 17th July. I
waited 1 hour and 10 minutes and this is what I got
a stare and he then said "What have I been saying?"

He did not take my blood pressure nor weight.

He just said he read what the hospital had sent
and it means no more cheese, sugar or chocolates.

None of which I have much anyway as pasteries are
my down fall.

I said I was staying with my fiance and he said that
was a good idea and maybe another two weeks there
before I try going home and being on my own.

He then said he see me in a month and shooed me out
the door. The visit took all of two minutes!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

63 at Last!!!

Wednesday the 11th of July was my 63rd birthday.
For a change I celebrated it on the actually day
by having tea at the Morwell club.

It was Wednesday night raffle so we had tickets
but were not lucky enough to win anything.

Don Jr was there, Lisa came later as she has to
come from Melbourne.

Mick and Mick were there. Kath and Kirsten and
of course Cliff and my self.

I had a lovely meal and a good time it was great
just to be alive to see my family again.

It was tring though and I called it a night just
before 9 p.m.

Because Cliff had indulged a little I had to drive
his car home.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Home at Last!!!

As it turned out I was not allowed to go home till
Monday evening as I developed a cough and a temp.

They did cultures on my blood but could find nothing,
and my urine was okay.

They did an Xray and a sonagram of my heart but
again found everything to be ticketie boo.

I started to bring up phelm, a yellow colour but not
that horrible almost green colour.

The doctor said it was most likely a viral infection
and should clear up in about ten days, it actually
took 32 days to clear up!!

I was told to see my doctor within a week and they
would forward all the information to him.

Cliff very grudgingly came and got me. Kath was
with him and they chatted most of the way back.

I am actually staying at Cliff's for a week till
I see my doctor.