Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Home at Last!!!

As it turned out I was not allowed to go home till
Monday evening as I developed a cough and a temp.

They did cultures on my blood but could find nothing,
and my urine was okay.

They did an Xray and a sonagram of my heart but
again found everything to be ticketie boo.

I started to bring up phelm, a yellow colour but not
that horrible almost green colour.

The doctor said it was most likely a viral infection
and should clear up in about ten days, it actually
took 32 days to clear up!!

I was told to see my doctor within a week and they
would forward all the information to him.

Cliff very grudgingly came and got me. Kath was
with him and they chatted most of the way back.

I am actually staying at Cliff's for a week till
I see my doctor.

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