Monday, October 22, 2012

Euchre Results

For the last couple of weeks that I have been
going to Euchre it has been terrible. We are
lucky if we have 8 people and that makes for
some very slow games and two or three are saying
that they are sick of it and want to quit, and
I am beginning to feel the same way.

We only had two new players this year but three
have dropped out that used to come.

Also I have been playing shit house the cards
never seem to fall my way. Even when I have a
reasonable night it turns out like, last night
when I got 121, which isn't too bad, that evryone
else also got in the 120's, in fact I was equal
second last out of 8 people. So it is putting me
off, when you keep losing all the time it does put
you off and I can understand why 'old' Roy' who
nearly always runs last is sick of playing.

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