Tuesday, February 5, 2013


I remember about thirty years ago I heard a man say to
someone else that the yellow peril might have lost the
war, with the USA but that they were winning the battle!

I now know what he was talking about.

Back in 1994 when I left the Mail center there was only
one Asian person working there. She was the only Asian
person I saw around Morwell. Now when I go to the Doctors
there are about three Asians for every white person. When
I go to the dentists there are about four Asians for every
white person. So it seems that what they couldn't take by
force they are buying out from underneath us.

You have to admire their education system. I believe they
go to school from 8 a.m. in the morning to 4 p.m. six days
a week. I saw a show on T.V. about the bullet train. They
employ people to push people into the full train! so that
it is VERY full. They also mentioned that these people had
to have a University degree! The children strive to get the
best education they can doing up to six hours of homework at
night. Is it no wonder they are taking over here in Australia
when our children's motto seems to be "I don't care" and they
would never consider doing any homework.

Perhaps we all need to take the advice that one teacher gave
my daughter twenty years ago when she said that the language
the children should be learning in the LOTE class is Japanense.

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