Saturday, October 19, 2013

Colli's Hairdresser

I finally used the voucher at Colli's hairdresser which
Meg gave me for my birthday. I wanted to have a dye job
so I would look good for Cliff's birthday at the Club.
However though Kirsten and Kath thought it looked good
I thought it looked brassy! The cut appears a little
uneven to me, the hairdresser did it really quickly
just a snip, snip here and there. I like the length.

I went on Wednesday 25th Sep. as I wanted to have lunch
with Janette afterwards. But when I rang her on her home
phone it was disconnected.

After the hairdresser which did take about three hours,
I went to Janette's.

I had Kirsten for a couple of days as it was her holidays.
So she was with me. I gave her a choice, she could come
with me or stay with Cliff. She said she'd come with me.

She was on her phone most of the time but even so after
that length of time she was getting a little impatient.

She wanted the hairdresser to do her hair in a two tone.
She had a picture. I did not like it. But it is up to
her and it is a mistake that she will have to live with
it, and sometimes the only way to get through to her is
to let her go for it.

He could not do it then as she had NITS again. He gave
her a treatment. He said if she came back on Tuesday
he would treat it again. Then he would do the dye job
on Friday.

Janette's was not home. I thought she could be overseas
on holiday so I left a note for her to ring me.

We then went to Kath's. Kath gave me the Coles/Myer
card which had $157.35 on it and she wanted me to buy
Kirsten a Thomson tablet as she needs one for next
year and they were on special for $169. Kirsten also
wanted the matching keyboard for $25.

So next we went to Target but the only colours they
received was blue and pink. No black or white and
they got no 10 inch accessories. The girl said to
come in next Wednesday, as they expected more to
come in next Tuesday.

So it was a busy if not exactly a productive day.

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