Sunday, March 23, 2014

Maddy's Birthday (Part 1)

As Maddy was suspended it was easy to go and pick her up. She is
15 today the 13th. For her birthday I took her to Melbourne.

Vic Rail is running free trains at the moment for Morwell residents
so we can get out of the smoky conditions for the day.

So I wanted to catch the 9.20 to be in Melbourne by 11.30 and then
get the 3.15 home so Cliff would not have to wait too long for us,
as we are using one car as his is off the road till Steff comes back
from Queensland. He usually closes the shop at 5 p.m. on Thursday
so it was only an extra 15 minutes.

Karen was to drive her into and drop her at the shop at 9 a.m. but
I got a call just on 9 to say Maddy had not come home!I said I would
wait for the next train but I would catch it regardless.

It was 10.15 when Karen rang again to say they were just leaving
Churchill. The train was due in at 9.19 so she said she would take
Maddy straight to Moe. I got on the train and hoped they would make
it. As we passed the Yallourn Nth turnoff I rang again and Maddy
answered and said they were at Gunn's Gully. When we pulled into
Moe I waited at the door. Thankfully Maddy saw me and called out.
She had on a pair of short short shorts and a midriff top and a
jacket. I said I hoped she would not be too cold when we came back!

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