Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Curves - Second Month

On the 12th of October, I had my second measurement day. Can't say I'm overly impressed, though admittedly I am not dieting at this stage but am just doing the exercise.

My complete report is as follows-
- Kilograms UP 1.90
- Waist UP 2.59 cm
- Body Fat LOST 0.20%
- Bust LOST 3.90 cm
- Abdomen LOST 0.40 cm
- Hips LOST 1.90 cm
- Arms LOST 7.94 cm
- Thighs LOST 7.90 cm (Just what my poor legs need to loss weight and have to
support a fat body, that hasn't lost weight!)

The idea was to get fit AND TO LOSE WEIGHT.

The ladies that work there all say, 'But muscle weighs more than fat." So that means if I'm building muscle I would weigh more.

Today I weighed my self (16th October) on their scale and low and behold I came in ONE KILO lighter than on Friday the 12th!!

I have two short term goals at the moment:-
1. To reach 94 kgs by 14th February, 2008.
2. To reach my 100 visit to Curves and get my free T-shirt!! also by the 14th
February, 2008.

In the mean time Meg is losing weight she can't afford to. She is now 67kgs!! Soon she will be all skin and bones!

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