Tuesday, October 9, 2007

This and That

Still trying to finish up work before going back to TAFE on Thursday 11th October.

Have done another twenty pages in my journal, but am not up to date though I have now finished all papers up to 30th September 2007. Am 1/2 way through reading another book.

I did go to gym every day last week except Sunday, (But as it is not open Sunday that is O.K.) and so far every day this week though I don't think I'll be able to go Friday.

Looked through all the tapes and found an episode of Grey's that Meg had not seen. She was wrapped. Plus TWO FREE tapes, which was great as I'm running out of them and have noticed that it is getting harder to buy tapes. A lot of stores no longer stock them!!

Have completed up to 14th Sept 1666 from Pepy's diary which covered the Great Fire and as the fire is the finish of my children's story, I am not going to do any more.

Behind in other things with only one day to go!!

Not much else going on. Nose to the grind stone and all that.

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