Monday, June 20, 2011

Ariel Has Had Her First Litter!

Finally after three years of trying, Ariel now four
years old has finally had her first litter. One was
born dead and a further two died durung the first
24 hours. Two survived. They are both girls. They
are now two weeks old so that is looking very good.
But a poor result overall for a first litter.

Cliff has to give one to the owner of the dog, but
wants to keep the other one. When I asked why he
said because Puppy has not long to go. This despite
the fact that I have told him that I want him to move
in with me within four years and I will NOT want any
type of animal in my house!

Bad enough that I have had to put up with cat and dog
dander for the past 15 years every week end but I
WILL NOT have it in my house!

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