Friday, June 17, 2011


When Cliff and I took Aud to Melbourne airport we noted
there has been a big change in airport security. When
we flew up four years ago that there was security for
interstate flights only, but this time they have changed
everything around and there is security for all flights.

Everyone has to go through the security wands, doorways
and xray machines. Aud had to take off her shoes and
put them through the xray as they had metel in them.

This is to gain acces to the eating areas ect, not just
for the actual passengers taking the flights!

We had something to eat while waiting. Now instead of
going as far to the left as you can go to get the
Mildura flight we had to go as far as possible to the
right. We only had to wait 20 minutes till her flight
was called. We saw he out the door then when back
upstairs and bought some Krispy Kremes.

Cliff said he thought they were very popular and could
not understand why they were going broke in Australia,
then I made him pay for them. He was shocked at the cost!

While Australians can get cininom donuts for about $2
for 6, 6 glazed Krispy Kremes cost $14:95. Simple
economics, they are too expensive. The customer will
only pay so much for a product. Whenever Don Jr, Meg
or myself go to Melbourne we try to get half a dozen
glazed and share them between us. That is about once
every two months, they are a treat, not like we buy
them every week!

The trip to and from the airport was good, not too
much traffic on Sunday.

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