Thursday, May 30, 2013

Adam Goodes

I will start off by saying that I am neither a bigot nor

I did not see the game on Saturday, so I do not what
behaviour Adam Goodes indulged in to be called an ape.

I see nothing offense in the term as far as racism goes.

Charles Darwin in his study of the origin of man, said
that we are all descendants from the apes. From the
behavior I have seen displayed by some adult 'humans'
some of us are a lot closer to those descendants that
perhaps society would like.

I saw some of that behavior displayed by Mr. Goodes
when the TV stations replayed the footage from the

What I saw was an adult male who appeared to be screaming
at some spectators in the stands. He was shaking his head
and pointing his finger. He appeared very anger.

I have seen the same behavior from adult alpha male apes,
at the zoo. This occurs when they do not get their way.

What I saw was an adult bullying a child!!

Not only that but the security guards did actually
remove said child, much to my disgust. I was also
disgusted that the spectators around the girl did not
protest the security guards actions.

I later learned that this 13 year old was held at the
police station and question for a number of hours.

If this had been a 'coloured' child and the person she
yelled at was 'white' adult, none of this would have

White people have tried to appease 'coloured' people
for the wrongs of the past for so long, that they have
now made door mats of themselves. It is about time they
stood up for themselves.

To make matters worse Mr. Goodes went on TV the next
day and instead of saying
"I am sorry for my actions last night, I got angry and
over reacted, I am a man and as such know that 'sticks
and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt
me.' I hope the child was not traumatized by my actions
and those of the security guards."
Instead he tried to justify his behavior by blaming the
child, he claimed to be 'hurt' by the remark, (For god
sake GROW A PAIR!!!)and to exacerbate the situation he
then vilifiedthe child's parents by saying their were not
raising their child the right way!

If I was this child's parents I would be seeing a lawyer
with the intention of suing this man for slander.

As for what racism really is I will write about next time,
and as for this storm in a teacup, as Forest Grump said
"That is all I have to say about that."

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