Monday, January 31, 2011


B came around on Saturday and watched "Easy A"
with me, but was very quiet the whole time as she
was leaving I asked if she would take the DVD's
back and she was very curt when she said no she
was busy aand going someplace else.

So I grabbed my keys and followed her out to the
car to drive the DVD's back and I asked her if
she wanted to come next week and she went off on
me accussing me of saying things to her that I had
never said, but she then said "You people" are
having a good at me so I think she has confused
me with with someone else that was showing
concern for her.

For years she could talk of no one else but N
even though he had broken up with her in the
early 1990's and of course one can't move on
if you are still in love with a person and
continually think that you will get back
together. I was very happy when in the
beginging of 2009 she stopped talking about N.
I thought good she's ready to move on.

But then she began to go on about P in the same
way she had about N. She talked about what great
friends they were. I was concerned that she had
developed a crush on him. I did not want her to
be hurt if he rejected her. So last week I made
the remark that he was old enough to be one of
our children. I believe he is in his mid 40's.

She said that I had a dirty mind and all I thought
about was sex, and there was nothing wrong about
their being friends that she was friends with a
lot of people like K who is only in her twenties.
I said there was nothing wrong with being friends.
What she has to remember is that she doesn't carry
on about K like she does about P.

She will say things like P sent me this funny text.
P helped me pick out my phone. P didn't get my text
I think there is something wrong with my phone,
perhaps P will know what to do. There is not one
time that we have been together in the past year
that P's name has not been mentioned.

B does not have a deciteful bone in her body. In
fact she is transparent with many of her emotions.
Obviously someone else believes that she has a crush
on P otherwise they would not have spoken to her
about him. She mentioned this other person went on
at her for two hours. I beliveve that this is the
person that said that she was stalking P! and she
needed to se a psychiarist!

She got into her car and drove off in a huff.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Australia Day

I think it is great that this is the one holiday that
we actually celebrate on the correct day.

I was out of groceries, that is frozen meals today, so
I went down to Coles in downtown Morwell. I was the
fourth car to turn into the car park and there were
five cars that turned in after me as I got out of the
car and walked inside. I guess a lot of people did
not have much to do on the day.

I treated myself to $2 worth of donuts, they had yellow
icing with green sprinkles on them, I would say in
celebration of Australia Day.

As I was reaching for them another customer reached for
them, and we both said the same thing, "Why not some
yellow and green donuts?"

The young girl then said "Do you know who I am?" I did
not have any idea~! but did not want to hurt her
feelings, so I said "The face looks familiar." She said
"I'm Sharon's daughter" And pointed and there was Sharon,
who used to live opposite Kim in Thexton Street, whom
I hadn't seen in ten years, no wonder I did not
recognise the daughter, she is a woman now and was only
a child back then.

I told Sharon about Tracey and that the furneral is on
Friday. I have no idea whether she is in contact with
Kim or not.

Sharon does not look a bit different to whenI last saw
her, with the tattooed man!

Monday, January 24, 2011

My Day In Court

The day dawned wet and miserable which under the
circumstances was appropriate.

Finally I went to the local court about the fine the
council levied on me when Nathan could not cut the
grass because he had lost the key to the ride on mower
and the slasher broke.

I had sent a stat dec to the council but they ignored
that and upheld the fine, so I tried the revocation
order people in Melbourne and once again sent a stat
dec and once again it was ignored and they upheld the
fine. So I had no choice but to go to court.

Of course it had been set for months, but how was any
one to know that 24 hours earlier Tracey would die.

I went but I knew that if the delay was too long before
my case was heard then I would lose it.

I booked in and was told that my case would be heard in
court one, but there seemed to be a problem with court
one as within 1 1/2 hours there were two half hours breaks.

At 12.30 p.m. I started to cry, so I went along to the
court networking lady, Stella, and told her about the
case and about Tracey, so she went up and spoke to the
counter staff. There had been a problem in court one
and now the case was to be heard in court two.

She gave me a free coffee, and then I heard my name
called but it was to the counter. When I got there the
young girl said she had looked at the file and the
council had withdrawn the complaint, which meant that
I did not have to pay the fine nor go into court. She
said that I was free to go home. I went back and told
Stella and thanked her for her kindness. She said it
would have been nice of the council if they had also
sent me a letter saying the fine had been withdrawen.
I think it would have been nice too, but I figured
they didn't so I could 'suffer' longer.

I'm sure that Nathan and Kathleen will be relived as he
was worried that they would come after him because the
grass was not cut. As I said to him, he couldn't help
it that the slasher broke. The sad thing is that he
has still not found the key to the ride on mower!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

R.I.P. Tracey McDougall

Darren texted Kim who texted Meg to let us know that
Tracey died early Sunday morning.

Darren had arrived at the hospital with only about a
minute to spare but Tracey was so drugged up by then
she was not aware of who was or was not there.

I hope she realised that she was loved by a great
number of people. Even if at times we acted hard
for her own good.

I think she went a lot quicker than expected because
she had little fight left in her.

Tracey was such a cute little kid when I first met
her, but she did not have a very happy life at all.
I hope she is at peace at last at the right hand of
the Lord where she belongs.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Don Snr's Birthday.

If Don had of still been alive he would have been 73
today. I don't know how Don Jr handled the day but
Meg seemed alright at lunch though a bit blue tonight.

When I saw Kath just after lunch she did not want to
talk about her father, she said it upset her too much.
Still it will be 3 years this April since he died and
I told her that she would actually feel better if she
talked about her father more, especially the good

Monday, January 17, 2011

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My Baby Turns 30!

Kathleen turned 30 today. Meg went up and baby sat
the kids while Nathan took her out to tea. They went
to Simon's, as he would give them a good deal.

I said I would go up with Meg to see Kath but she
said no way as I would annoy her (MEG). I sent a
message that read "Happy, happy, happy, happy, happy
30th Birthday. Love Mum."

As I did not wake up till 2 p.m. I did not send that
off till 3.18 p.m. Kath made no mnetion of receivg
it , to Meg, but Meg said that Donald did go up and
visit for 4 hours.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Euchre Starts for 2011

Well tonight was the first night back. Nine people
turned up including 'old' John. So though I had
printed out the Hoyle's Rules for Euchre like Cliff
asked, he said that it would be better if we waited
till next week when more people turned up to see
what they thought.

I handed out the printouts and asked everyone to
look them over and we would talk about it next week.

My thoughts are if we are going to play the game, it
should be done as closely as possible to the correct
rules and not the rubbish that John and others have
said through out the last few years.

I can't believe how wrong we have been playing it.

Billy was the winner, June came 2nd and I was third.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Friday, January 7, 2011

Summer Reading

I have been having a marathon session with the James
Patterson, Alex Cross books. Over the Xmas New Year
I have read:-
"Pop Goes the Weasel"
"Roses are Red"
"Violets are Blue"
"Four Blind Mice"
"The Big Bad Wolf"
"London Bridges"
"Mary, Mary"
there are still five books left in the series but I have
not seen them at the shop. The latest one was released
in Nov 2010.

Funny joke in one,
"The Devil appears to a young lawyer and tells him that he
will have the greatest career ever, but he has to give his
soul and the souls of all his family to the Devil, the
young lawyer looks hard at the Devil and the says "What's
the catch?'" cracked me up, but the I always did have a
funny sense of humour.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

"More parents avoid surprises"

This article was in The Herald Sun on Dec, 10, 2010, a
week after Dayne was born. Katie Bice wrote that 65%
of new parents now find out the sex of their new unborn

Kath and Nathan were told that they were having a girl
and they had a boy.

They were left with nearly $100 of new pink clothes that
they had removed the tags from, because they were having
a girl! also they had not kept the receipts so could not
return them!

This is their 5th child so they sincerely doubt they
will be having any more.

Perhaps they will be hoping that aal other relatives and
friends will have girls so they can give them as presents.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Bewitched by Bewitched

I was watching or reading something in the last month where
a character says that a certain kind of smart person can tell
you every plot to every episode of Bewitched. I laughted
I can't do that but I am mystified by the fact that often
the story lines have been repeated. Turns out that there
were many different writers over the years, but still they
should have watched the past episodes to avoid duplication.

As stated previously the show has started again from the
beginning and I had never noticed that Louise Tate in the
beginning (Irene Veron)(who was only in 13 episodes) was a
different Louise Tate from the end of the series,when Kasey
Rogers played the role appearing in 33 episodes, she is the
Louise Tate that I remember.

Of course we were all aware of the change in the character
of Darren, played first by Dick York who was in 156 episodes,
I for one thought that he must have died to be replaced but
it turns out that he suffered a bad back injury in 1959 when
making the movie "Cordura" and it bacame worse over the
years and that is why in the last episodes that he appeared
in he is either in bed or lying on the couch! He dies on 20th
Feb, 1992 at only 63 years old.

The Gladys Kravitz I remember was played by Alice Pearce, who
was the first Mrs. Kravitz and she only appeared in 27 episodes,
compared to the second Mrs. Kravitz played by Sandra Gould,
who was in 29 episodes (and whom I don't remember at all!)

There was also a change in the actors who played Mr. Frank
Stephens, (Darren's father) I remember the second Mr. Stephens
played by Robert F. Simon, but the character was first played
by Roy Roberts, but only in 7 episodes!

Of course we all know that Tabitha Stephens was played by
Erin Murphy, (101 episodes) but there were many young babies
and girls whoplayed the role, Heidi and Laura Gentry (2
episodes) and Tamar Young (12 episodes) in 1966, and Diane
Murphy (twin to Erin?) for 21 episodes from 1966 to 1972.

Also I wondered was there any significance to the fact that
displayed on the table, behind the front door is a menorah,
the 7 branch jewish candelabrum. I don't believe that either
Darren Stephens nor Samatha are Jewish in religion. In the
later episodes there s a picture and then a mirror on the wall
behind the table and the menorah is gone.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year 2011.

Well a new year and a time to think of new beginnings
and also to reflect on old times.

I was going to make a new years resolution but now I
can't think what it was!

Just that there is not that much I can give up as my
restricted bank balance has taken care of that already.

I don't drink (unless Cliff buys me one) and I stopped
smoking over ten years ago. I guess I could give up
eating, at least some of the 'bad' foods that I love
so much.

But even then as stated without money I have gone from
eating e.g. chips five days a week to less than once
a month. The same with take out food whereas I would
eat McDonald's three times a week and Red Rooster and
KFC twice a week I barely eat one of these every two
months now. Of course this is comparing now with 20
years ago. Yet even with this healthier life style I
have gone from 80 kgs to 107 kgs. This also despite
two years with Curves which I had to leave about 15
months ago because of my bad back.

I find it hard to do much these days as my back and
legs and feet become 'sore' after only a small time
standing and I get puffed within a few minutes when
doing things like gardening and cutting the lawn.

I'd love to have another banding operation but now
that it is at the private hospital it is beyond my
purse strings!

I send Happy New Year Messages to Bill, Meg, Donald,
Kath, Angela, Kim and Karen Campbell and have not
received any answers yet. Though Meg got in first and
send her message just after midnight and I send mine
at 1.30 a.m.

Happy New Year to all those bloggers out there.