Monday, August 3, 2009

Seven Days Baby Sitting (Day One)

Karen went to play darts in Queensland on Wednesday the 22nd
of July so Donald had his kids till she came home on Sunday
the 2nd August.

On the weekdays I had to go to Donald's house at 5.30 a.m.
for him to go off to work. Then get the kids up for school at
7.45 a.m.

Donald had made their lunches and I had to make sure they ate
breakfest and got their lunches and drinks as well as home work
for school.

I had sat at the computer and played games till 5.40 a.m. and was
just going into my bedroom to go to bed when I heard the phone
ringing and thought "Goodness, whos's ringing at this hour?"

It was Donald with "where are you?" "At home" was my reply
"Arn't you suppose to be here?" "Yesw, but I totally forgot, will
be there soon"

He was late leaving for work and I was so cold that I did not
sleep a wink, even my knee caps were cold. That was the first
time I had ever felt cold in my knee caps!

After I dropped the kids off I went to Cliff's and slept right
through till just before 3 p.m. then I went to Curves and then
picked up the kids and took them to Donald's.

He was a bit late because of starting late!

Made sure I was in bed by 2 a.m.

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