Friday, July 16, 2010

White Goods Cont:

Maybe because it has become a sore point I have been
taking notice of kitchen settings in different shows

Firstly I noticed in "I Dream of Jeannie" that the
fridge in the kitchen was a pale green colour.

The next show was "Bewitched" and the fridge in that
kitchen was also a green colour, but it was a lime
green (that is a pale colour green with a hint of
yellow in it), of course that could just have been
the way the light hit it.

Both those shows were filmed in the mid 1970's so
there have been coloured white goods available in
the USA for over 35 years!

The only 'coloured' item I have seen in Australia
was a lovely chocolate stove I bought about 30
years ago, when my kitchen was brown. I replaced
it about 15 years later with the typical white stove.
Only because I could not get either a pale yellow
or green colour.

What would colour add to the price of the applicance?
Surely no more than $100???

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