Saturday, June 30, 2012

"Where Were You When The Earth Shook?"

Tuesday the 19th june at 8.50 p.m. Cliff and I
were watching T.V. as he decided not to go to

The walls of the house and the nick nacks began
to shake. It lasted 2 maybe 3 seconds. I looked
at Cliff and said "earthquake". Before I had
finished the word the walls and nicks nacks began
dancing again this time much stronger and for
about 5 to 6 seconds.

We walked outside to have a look as he still thought
it was a truck that might have crashed, derspite the
fact that we went throught an earthquake in about 2000
and it was exactly the same. I reminded him the same
thing happened to me when I was 8, with mum in our
house in Hurstville N.S.W.

When the earthquake struck in 2000 I had said the
same thing. The memory had instantly come back to
me. It was not something I was ever likely to
forget. Mum and i had thought it was a truck that
had crashed and went out side to look but there was
nothing and on the news that night they said it was
an earthquake that had struck around Bulli way.

The new neighbour across have Cliff had only moved
in that day and she came out but noone else did.
She had thought it was a truck and I told her what
it was. We went back inside and turned on pay T.V.
to the all news channel and about 15 minutes later
they started to say there were unconfirmed reports
of an erath quake in Victoria.

By an hour after the quake it was the only thing on
the News and we found out that it had started just
south of Moe bwtween Churchill and Moe. It was the
biggest quake in Victoria for ( one report said 60
years and another said 140 years) but whichever it
was the largest one I had experienced, and the
closest. The one in 2000 was out Geelong way about
200 kms away and the one in Sydney was also about
200 kms away. This was was about 3 kms south of
Morwell and about 7 kms east. So it was lucky I was
not at home at the time.

Cliff said he wondered how many people were in bed
having sex when it happened so that the earth really
"Did move" for them. I said at 8.50 p.m. not many,
so what do you think? and where were you?

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