Friday, July 6, 2012

Liar, Liar Pants On Fire

My cardio bloke at Dandenong did not agree with the
assessment from Monash after my test on Wednesday so
sent me back for another test. He said it was a dye
ultra sound, but as it turned out it came after another
anigram but this time they did it through the groin not
the wrist and doped me up more.

I said no I was not having the anigram the techinican
insisted I was.. I think I must have gone into shock
as I started crying and then began to shake and it got
very cold and my teeth started to chatter.

It turnes out it was better than in the right wrist.

After effects of having it in the right wrist. They
put a band on the wrist to stop bleeding and blow it up
with air so tight that you think your hand is going to
fall off. It is about six hours before the pain is at
a bearable level. Then you have to pretend the wrist
is broken for two days so you don't twist or move it in
such a way as to start bleeding. I asked why it wasn't
done in the left wrist and they said it was because the
machine was made that way. Obviously created by a left
handed person to get back at right handed people.

Via the groin meant I felt like my bladder was going to
burst for two hours as I could't walk to the toilet and
found it impossible to use the bedpan.

However if ever given the choice again I want it through
the groin!

The Dr here was very pleased as this scan showed things
were not as bad as first thought and everyone now feels
I should be alright if I just take medication.

Looks like I'm going home Sunday.

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