Tuesday, November 27, 2007

First Quarter at Curves

My first three months at Curves, boy has that gone fast! I have lost 2 kgs (not a lot) but they keep telling me I'm building muscle and that weighs more than fat. I have lost nearly 10 cm off my hips, but only 4 cm off each thigh and only 1.4 cm off my waist and abdomen. My bust dropped by 7 cm and Cliff said I can't afford to lose any more of them. (He's a bust man!)

I feel pleased that I am averaging four visits a week, the required min is three visits a week. My three goals at this stage are to (1) Be 100 kg by 14th December (I am now 101 kg) (2) Have my 100 visits by 1st February (originally I had it down for 14th Feb) and (3) Be 94 kgs by the 14th february 2008.

I will not put myself down for the advanced program as I count my movements on the machines already and try to improve that figure or at least maintain that level.

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