Friday, July 18, 2008

Yarragon Book Fair 2008

What a bust that was!

This year Cliff and I forgoed our 'diry weekend' and did
not stay over night but saved the $100 and drove home at a
cost of $20, but in so doing we also gave up the dinner
party on Saturday at a saving of $50.

We had hoped to break even but as the petrol and cost of
the tables was $200 that meant we had to sell $400 worth
of books.

This year the organisers stuck all the dealers out in the
back room away from the main action. I would estimate that
we had half the people from previous years. So we did not
take what we had hoped for.

The takings have gone as follows:-
2005 $560.
2006 $450.
2007 $340.
2008 $215.

We will not be going next year, unless the tables we 'rent' are
reduced by 1/3rd, from $150 to $50. It is just not worth it.

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