Monday, November 29, 2010

Scripwriters Faux Pas

Go has started showing the "Bewitched" series from
the beginning and last night's epiosode (about third
or fourth)dealt with the idea that Sam came up with
suggestions for one of Darren's campaigns, he
instantly thought because they sounded good to him,
they were the result of magic. He implies that Sam
is lying when she denies that she used magic, as a
result she packs her bags and goes home to mother.

Towards the end of the series, when Adam is about
three years old they have the exact same story line
except this time she makes him sleep on the couch.
I can't believe that the writers were that hard up
that they had to recycle stories! but it is worse
to think that they could not remember even writing
the story in the first place.

Interesting to note that the first two episodes
had a narrator whom I believe was Jose Ferrier.

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