Thursday, September 15, 2011

Kirsten Covers Herself With Glory.

It seems that there was a fight in the playground
and another girl slapped Kirsten and then punched
her in the face.

Kirsten DID NOT fight back.

The teachers said that was very good as it is usually
her biting back that gets her into trouble.

I had to go to the school and pick her up and drop
her of at mum's as she was very upset about the

I then went on to see Connor and Maddie's Expo Day,
where parents friends and Grandparents get to see
the work the children are doing.

I said to one teacher that it wa a pity that so many
of the chilhren had put so much time and effort into
their work, only to have spelling and punction mistakes.
She said that with 27 children each having an individual
project made it impossible for her to coreect every ones
work. I said that when i was teaching I had 35 children
in the class and managed to correct each one.

I think the problem is that the teachers only work 9am-
3.30 p.m. and if the work is not done in that time there
is no way they will take it home to do it.

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