Sunday, February 5, 2012

Euchre 2012

Euchre began on 9th Jan, but I was unable to go to the
first night and the next week my score was only 95. I
could not believe the lousy cards I was getting, all
the sevens and eights hardly a hand with anything over

Then on the 23rd things were not that much better, with
a score of 117. I was begginning to think that I would
not get up to my average from last year of 119.

On the 30th I could not seem to do anything wrong. I did
not get one lone hand but often the person I was partnering
did and I ended up with q score of 154 out of a possible
165, that is a average of 14 points a game out of 15!

That one great game, it is the best score I have ever had
took my average to 122! so I was really wraped!

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