Thursday, January 9, 2014


I developed this rash on Thursday 2/01/14. Great start to the
New Year. I thought at first it was like the rash I get under
my boobs, which get hot and sweaty. But on Sunday it began to
hurt. It was tender to the touch and wearing clothes which
rubbed on it hurt too. I can't describe the pain when Cliff
threw his arm across my body and hit the rash, (though not
nearly as bad as the pain that shot through my head when I had
my heart episode!)So I went to the Dr. This time I saw a Dr.
Tolu, a female doctor who took a quick look and said shingles.

She gave me a course of treatment (tablets) for it, but nothing
for the actual rash, which had three small patches about the size
of a 50 cent piece running in a line about two inches below and
to the right of my right boob and another patch about the length
of a dollar but half the width about 4 inches below the first

I started taking the tablets as soon as I got back to Cliff's.

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