Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Saturday Dinner

Karen Roberts asked if Cliff and I could look after
Maddy on Saturday as she and Chris were going to a
dinner in Dandenong.

The boys were each farmed out to different people.

So she and I had a girlie night and Saturday. We
went down to Video Eazy and got two DVD's. Who
should we see pulling out from the car park but
Tracey, Karen's twin sister who had Sam for the

She had just dropped off Maddy at Cliff's and like
us gone straight down to get a DVD.

We wanted the "Tooth Fairy' but there were no copies
left. Turned out that Tracey had taken the last one.

We got "Where the Wild Things Are" instead. I was
disappointed with it. The book was so much better.

We also watched "Alvin and the Chopmunks: The
Squeak?? The title itself is funny! It was a light
comedy just like the first one not too much thought
involved, but it does point out the fact that all
that glitters is not gold.

Beryl came around and watched the "Wild Things".
The best part about it was the lovely beach setting
Beryl thought it looked like '90 mile Beach' and as
it was made in Victoria that is more than likely.

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