Friday, August 27, 2010

"The Jane Austin Book Club"

I saw the book "The Case of the Imaginary Detective' in
the shop and it was written by Karen Joy Fowler the
author of "The Jane Austin Book Club." I had heard
that book was a good read so I took the detective book

Well it was rubbish. I think she must have been on
drugs when she wrote it as most of it makes no sense.
Then are whole pages devoted to describing the sky
and beach. Whole chapters to the dogs and the two
dog walkers.( None of which has anything to do with
the plot!)

The plot line concerns a 29 year old girl,Rima, who
when her father (the last of her immediate family) dies
goes to 'visit' her godmother, Addison Early. It seems
for the first time in her life she wonders about the
relationship between her father and Addision so sets out
to find out what that was.

Very slim story line that takes 321 pages to cover.

What was very confusing was the constant change in Point
of View (POV) often occuring within the same sentence!

All in all there are three days of my life that I am never
going to get back. Yes I kept going to the end, so I can say
I gave it a fair go!

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