Thursday, October 14, 2010

There's Trouble in River City.

At least there is trouble in Yallourn North.

It seems that Nathan had a go at Kirsten on Tuesday so
she 'ran away from home'. Mum and Nathan spent three
hours driving around town only to come home and find
her asleep in bed. A happy ending I would have thought
but it seems that Nathan had another go at her about
running away so she took off on Wednesday night and
this time did not come home!!

More worring about a 12 year old that stays out over
night!! Kath said she rang the school and she was there
today. I said if they did not want a repeat not to go
ape shit at her. She is a very unhappy little girl,
hence the running away. Yelling at her for being so
unhappy is not going to improve the situation.

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