Thursday, October 25, 2012

Dumb Things.

Last night I saw on Current Affair that there
is a website for schoolies about what they can
do on the Goldcoast during the week.

Have we become like the American teenagers who
go to Florida and do dumb things after their

There was nothing like this going on when I left
school in 1967. So when did this behaviour start?

The reason why it was on T.V. was that the items
recommended in some cases where dangerous eg.
"if offered drugs say yes as drugs are expensive!"
What happened to saying NO?? in other cases the
activity was actually illegal and could cause you
to end up in court on charges, great if you wanted
to go into the field of law as any chargable offence
precludes such a career.

What was even worse was that these recommendations
were coming from past schoolies that had particpated
in such things!!!

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