Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Too Busy

August was a really bad month. I just did not seem to have a moment
to do my blog! Yet I am unemployed just imagine what it would have
been like if I had a full time job.

It was Tuesday 13th when I went to Video Ezy and got two DVDs for
Cliff and I to watch. I put one on that night and was fast for-
warding the previews to get to the main show. I said that there
was a preview on pitch perfect and I could show him Rebel Wilson.
He started to moan "Stop rewinding, just play the film "stop
rewinding" "stop rewinding" and he kept on and on, and I had the
film paused at the beginning of the film!!!!! So I just yelled at
him, stop whining I want to watch the movie and I want to HEAR it
I don't want to hear you moaning. So shut the f..k up!

Well Ross who had gone out drinking as he had the day off and
even forgotten that he was suppose to be here practicing with
the rest of the band members. He rushed into the lounge room
and SCREAMED at me to stop talking to his dad like that. It was
HISdad who paid the bills and I was the bloody fat whore who was
sponging off him.

Considering I PAID for every meal I ate at the house. I don't
think I was sponging as much as Ross whose 'board' doesn't cover
the grog, gas, water or electricity that is used in the house, so
he really shouldn't throw stones. Anyway I lost my cool with him
and threw the remote control at him, and he threw it back at me
so hard that for two weeks I had a large bruise about four inches
in diameter on my left leg.

Anyway Cliff turns and says "stop it you two." WELLLL that was it.
I had wanted him to say something along the lines of "Ross, please
don't speak to Gloria that way." but no not a word. So I just got
up and said "That's it I've had enough." I packed up the car till
it was full and went home.

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