Sunday, July 29, 2007

Friday the 13th July 2007

As I said in my last entry I should have questioned Nathen's motives for wanting the girls overnight. When Kath went the day after my birthday, Thursday 12th July, to pick up the girls, he gave back Kirsten but said he was seeking full custody of Talhia and Jasmine.

So Kath and I spent Friday trying to find someone to help her. We went to legal aid but they said they couldn't help as Nathen had already been in and they would be acting for him. They gave us a list of private lawyers and we had to make an appointment for Tuesday 17th. It was the earliest we could get.

By then she was in tears and we ended up going to Anglicare so she could talk to someone.

Meg tried to put a good spin on it and said she would get custody. I don't doubt that, but the question is what is she to do in the meantime as that could take months.

She is still very angry with Nathen. I don't think she had actually made up her mind to leave him but his pre-emptive strike was the last straw.

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