Sunday, November 9, 2008

Twenty to One : World's Funniest People.

On Sunday 9th november, 2008,Bert Netwon hosted 20 to 1 :
World's Funniest people.

I went onto the web site and for once in my life left a comment.
How could you not? Like the other 46 people who had left remarks,
I was shocked at the choice.

Here is the list:
20. Mike Meyers ( An over the top idiot that thinks crude
innuendo is funny.)
19. Joan Rivers (who loves taking the piss out of people, not
funny at all.)
18. Benny Hill (The orginal 'smutty' innuendo freak, not funny.)
17. Jerry Seinfield ( I have watched at least three episodes of
this show and agree it's about nothing and never have I
laughted once though I did smile ONCE.) I never found Jerry
16. Rowena Atkinson in the Black Adder is funny but just stupid
as Mr. Bean.
15. Chris Liiey (come on he's a new boy on the block and hasn't
been been recognised by most of Australia!! How can he be
one of the funniest in the world? get real!!!
14. Roseanne Barr, yes funny as Roseanne and in "She Devil" but
WHAT else?? Not one of the funniest in the world.
13. Ben Stiller, another idiot that thinks palying bumling idiots
is funny and it is but that's all there is to him. Should not
be in the 20. May be top 200!
12. Owen Wilson, put him in my bed any time, bent, scarred nose
and all, but one of the world's funniest people, sorry
darling no, in the top 100 maybe.
11. Roddney Dangerfield, if crudity and swearing makes one funny
then he is right where he belongs but I have thought that a
low brow sort of humour, like that of Benny Hill e.g. any
idiot can be funny that way.
10. Ruby Wax, who the f**k is she?? from what I saw on the show
I'd say an English version of Joan Rivers and about just as
funny (see comment above!)
09. Will Ferrell same as Ben Stiller see comment above.
08. Magna Subanski, our own girl. Yes she is funny, BUT not in
the top 20, top 50 perhaps.
07. Billy Connelly a modern version of Rodney Dangerfield with
more f**ks per sentence. More embrassing than funny.
06. The Three Stooges, well if physical abuse is funny they are
the outright winners, but in no other way are they funny.
Didn't think they were funny in the 1950's and I still don't
think they are funny.
05. Jerry Lewis, finally they got one right, though perhaps not
in the top five.
04. Eddie Murphy another funny person!! in the top 20 though.
03. John Cleese, you really have to like his antics though, he'd
be in my top 50 maybe.
02. Barry Humphries aka Dame Edna, thank god i t wasn't Sir Les
who is a brother of Billy Connelly and Rodney Dangerfield.
Though Dame Edna does like her innuendo a little too much.
01. Robin William, a real funny man who seems to be getting
better with age in my top twenty but not my number one

So who would I pick as my number one Charlie Chaplin
of course! he had to be funny with facial expressions and body
posture as he never spoke a word, try being funny like that to-day!

My number two would be Lucille Ball, I saw re-runs of some of her
shows recently and they STILL cracked me up!

My third choice would be Bob Hope, remember all those road movies!
and the troops in the War certainly thought he was a funny guy!!!

Look at the classic Laural and Hardy (4) 'that's another fine mess
you've got me in.'

Of course you can't go past The Marx Brothers(5) must better quality
than The Three Stooges.

Who could forget Abbott and Costello? (6)

Back in the same era there was Red Skelton (7) and Jack Benny (8)
followed closely by Jackie Gleson. (9)

Jerry Lewis (10)Peter Sellers (10) certainly should be ahead of
John Cleese.

Then Bill Murray, (11) Gene Wilder,(12) Richard Pryor, (13)
Chevy Chase,(14) John Candy (15) and Bill Cosby(adored the
Cosby Show!.(16)

Robin Williams (17)What about oue own Little Aussie Battler
Norman Gunston (18) who could forget his performances in mother
and son and that brings us to his 'mum'. (19) She desrves a place
ahead of Magna.

Then there is Aunty Jack (20) though not one of my personal
favourites. He had a large following.

In the modern line up how could they have left Jim Carey (21) out of
the list? A question that nearly every other writer asked as well.

Yes I like Chris Rock (22)too.

Yes I cheated a bit but with so much talent how can you pick?
certainly not the half baked listed presented by Channel Nine.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Honey, I agree with you on 90% of the people who compile your (slightly stretched) list. Comedians from 1910's-1940's certainly had more class, flair, panache and versatility to what demographic their comedy portrayed. To attract an audience in the 00's and still make them smile, as Chaplin does for me?
That's brilliance right there.