Friday, June 26, 2009


Thrown out like yesterday's garbage! Yes Wade Walker has dumped me
after two years!

Of course he said nice things, but the fact remains, I'm now all
along in the big bad world.

Now there is nothing between CenterLink and me. I will have to dance
to their merry tune without Wade's protection!

I can't believe that it has been two years. Our time was up on Friday
the 18th of June. What an end of the financial year!

He said that he will drop by the shop occassionally and he would let
me know so that I could bring in my scrapbooking for him to see.

We will see.

Another fact came out. Lena has been put on a disability pension.
My God the woman's only 38 and fitter than a Malleee bull yet I am
knocked back as only 15% physically disabled. Maybe if I had a melt
down I'd get on the pension too. After all she has brought her
illness on herself by her behaviour. Those of us who know how to
behaviour are then PUNISHED!

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