Thursday, January 28, 2010

Australia Day 2010

I rang Keith as I wanted to know if he was going
to the bar be que. An hour later he sent this
terrible text message saying I was crazy for
wanting to go.

Yes I guess I am crazy for wanting to be part of
a family that don't want me.

Cliff, Ross, Keith, Kirsten and I went. There were
about six people less than last year.

We arrived at midday which was a FULL hour before
any one else. Dennis's wife Glennis was still out
doing the shopping for the barbeque when we arrived
so next year I will remind Cliff of this and try to
get him to leave at least half an hour later, as it
makes it quite a long day, when we get back home at
9 p.m.

Keith drove back as he did last year and Cliff was
as bad as he was last year critizing every thing
the man did. It was if he still seems him as a
16 year old learner driver rather than a man who
has driven for 14 years!!

I wonder if the reason why Ross does not learn to
drive is he couldn't take his father's abuse?

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