Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My Slave Goes Home.

By yesterday Kirsten was feeling home sick. Or perhaps
she was just sick of all the chores she had to do for Nan.

Anyway I finally was able to get hold of a hanyman and he
met me at Yallourn Nth to give me a quote for all the

While waiting for him two young men turned up and took
photos of the back paddock "to show the council" I have
no idea who they were. I don't think they work for the
council I think they are just little shits trying to make
trouble for me as if I don't have enough troble as it is.

Still no response from the bloke who was suppose to cut
the paddock so it looks as if I'll have to look for
another bloke.

As the saying goes 'it never rains but it pours' but for
the last year I have been in floods and I'm getting
pretty sick of it!

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