Monday, August 22, 2011

The Court Case!

I arrived at the court at 9 45 a.m. and the case
was finally called at 4 P.M. I should have known
that as my case involved 'winning' against the
local council that it would be the last on the
docket. They (the council) would not want too
many people to know that you can win against

It was actually just asking for hearing to have
the existing order overturned as the council had
withrawn the fine and the order should never have
been out in their favour, in the first place.

The magistrate granted the application for a
hearing and said that he would hear it now and
that under the circumstances the exsiting order
would be overturned and a new order made out in
my favour!

Hurrah a win for the good guys at last.

Now I just have to get the pool done and there
should be no more trouble with them.

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