Friday, March 11, 2011

Kirsten Cometh!

Rang on Wednesday and asked if I could have Kirsten
for the week end. Kath said "She would see!" I had
thought she would jump at the chance to get rid of
her as there has been more trouble at home and school.

Even though I had told Kirsten that this year was
a chance to change her act as she was now going into
year 7 at a new school and there was not one kid from
her primary school in her class so that no one would
know how silly she had been the last couple of years.

But no it seems she could not control herself, as she
has started fighting with girls in her class and once
more gone onto facebook and said silly things about
other girls!

She is also still stealing only now it appears that she
is taking things from the homes of girls that are trying
to be her friends. She is totally alienating everyone
that could possible make life easier for her.

So was nicely surprised when Kath rang on Friday about
5 p.m. ans said "You can have her for the week end."

Of course I had to drive up and collect her! and when I
got there Talhia was throwing a tantrum as she wanted to
come too. She was screaming at her mother and father. Of
course adults that they are they were screaming back at
her. She flounced off to her room slaming the door.
When Kirsten did that Nathan took Kirsten's door off its
hinges. I doubt he will do that to Talhia.

I went to her door and knocked before I poked my head
around the door and said " if you behave for Mum nad
Dad over the week then I will take you to Poppy Cliff's
next week end and we will see how you go." She stopped
crying and said O.K. and I hugged and kissed her.

Then went to her parents and told them I would have
Talhia next week if she behaved herself during the week.

So that was smoothed over and Kirsten and I were able
to leave in peace.

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