Friday, May 30, 2008


Was disapponted again as we still only dwelt with house
keeping matters.

Violeta did say that she wanted us to have a glimmer of an
idea for a short story next week. We are also to bring
TWO magazines along and give a profile on the readers based
on the adverts in them. She wants us to work out the
audience we are writing too. She said that most writers get
published in magazines that they read as they know what
those readers want. I wonder if at the end of the course
she suggests we send away our story to our chosen magazine.
Last week she said that usually 80% of her writing classes
get published. Not bad odds. She said that she wants us
to write something with a view of reading it out to the
class. Still have not written anything in class!

Kylie had rung Beryl re coming to the group and Beryl
promised to pick her up and then passed it along to me but
as I was not consulted, why should I do it? If Kylie
wanted a lift from me surely she could ring me?

Both Beryl and I received messages and phone calls during
the morning from her. So I guess she was waiting to be
picked up. She rang me later this afternoon and we
organised that I would pick her up next week.

A reasonably quite time this week.

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